A Grave Mistake Part 5: Cold

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I hadn't realized that I'd fallen asleep until I wake with a start when I hear the door to my room open, looking up with groggy eyes to see Dash standing in my doorway like a deer in headlights. "What do you want?" I groan, plopping my head back down on the pillow.

"Uh, sorry, I thought that this was Jazz's room," his apology throws me off guard, but not long enough to ignore his follow up.

"Why are you looking for Jazz?" My body cries as I stand up and walk forward to meet Dash at the door. "And you should knock before barging into someone's room."

"I did knock," he says plainly, his face looking more innocent than usual, likely because he wants my help.

"Whatever." I brush my hair out of my face, waiting for him to continue. "Well? What is it?"

"Oh." I watch as he wrings his hands shyly, looking like a completely different person from the confident jerk he is at school. "I can't find my room. Your parents said they put my stuff in there and I wanted to take a shower."

"It's..." I go to point out where his room is to him, but worry that if I let him wander around aimlessly, he might barge in on Jazz like he did to me. "I'll show you." I push past him through the door and head down the hall, trying to avoid looking at him too much. "Did my parents give you a tour of the downstairs? I mean, there's not much, just the kitchen, living room, their bedroom and the stairs to the basement." I awkwardly attempt to be a good host, giving up at my miserable failure and leaving us to walk in silence for a bit before Dash breaks it.

"Uh, your house is really big, I forgot that," he says, his voice strained in discomfort.

"So here's the bathroom," I change the subject, pointing to the opened bathroom door and not stopping to show him the inside. "And across the hall is Jazz's room. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that you're not allowed in there unless she says it's okay. You know what? Just make that a rule for all of our rooms."

"Okay..." we continue down the hall quietly, passing by a few more rooms that my parents use for storage or ghost hunting stuff, until we reach a door near the end of the corridor.

"This is your room." I open the door to the guest room for him, giving him a brief look of the interior before turning to leave. "I'm sure my parents would be fine with you decorating it and such if you want. And we will respect your privacy if you respect ours." I begin to walk away, but remember something important. "Oh! And if my parents didn't tell you, all three of us share that bathroom so don't waste too much time in there if you can help it."

"I won't," he assures me. Suddenly, I feel a chill run over my body and when I exhale, my breath comes out in a pale blue fog. I look towards Dash, hoping he didn't notice, but he only looks down at me with a confused frown. "Are you cold, or something Fenton?"

"Ah..." I try to brush it off, wondering what the hell it is myself, but can't come up with a good enough excuse. "Yeah a bit." I feel the chill run down my spine yet again and brace myself for the cold rush of air, letting it escape from my body like a hiccup. "Um... I'm gonna go. Have fun in your new room." I awkwardly wave to him as I scurry back down the hall, slamming the door to my room when I get there.

What the hell was that?

My body convulses and I collapse against the door, dry heaving up the pale blue smoke from before as my body is overcome with a bitter cold sensation. After a few minutes of vomiting up air, I slide down the door and onto the floor, curled up and shivering in a ball, my breathing ragged from exhaustion. Before I know it, I've slipped away into sleep and don't wake up until the sun is streaming in through my windows.

"Ugh..." I grunt, slowly sitting up, the effects of sleeping on the floor becoming apparent as my muscles and joints ache with every movement. Once I manage to stand up, I quickly prepare to head down stairs, changing out of yesterday's clothes and throwing them away after noticing how tattered and dirty they are from the explosion. As I stand in front of the mirror above my dresser and start to fix my hair, pulling clumps of dirt and ash out of it, I begin to feel a tingling sensation pass through my limbs. Before I know what is happening, I've fallen through my bedroom floor, landing in the living room with a loud thud.

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