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Dalili was walking together with her bestfriend Soul to their workplace. Soul excitedly clapping her hands when they had arrived in front of their workplace building. Dalili smiled looking at Soul who's surely very excited to start her work as a stylist for a famous boy group in South Korea.

; Lee Soul (older than Dalili)

; The Boyz stylist

; a soft girl with a bright personality

despite their differences in personality and age, they find reassurance and comfort in each other existence where it all started during their first degree year in Fashion and Designing faculty. 

2 years ago, 

Soul entered the class with her big glasses, bright pink sweatshirt and a long pink skirt. she was mocked and bullied starting from the first day of class until the day Dalili stand up for her. She told the class " doesn't mean we are from f&d faculty, we are able to help ourselves look pretty, some people can't do what you can do. she can't see what she can see. she could look through other but not herself. don't dirtied yourself with a pessimist mind and bad actions. it's not good for us and our reputation" starting from that day she begun to change her style thanks to Dalili. Soul became attached to Dalili like a baby bird. 

Soul also experienced Dalili's bad side that was now her very big weakness. once the weakness explode she afraid she couldn't help her lovely bestfriend. the weakness made her became overprotective when it comes to Dalili's personal life included her love life as well. 

they entered the building then went straight to the stylist department. they were welcomed with a big surprise party. 

"we were so excited to meet both of you!" 

"we have been discussing about this party for a week- like we can't wait to work with you guys! and you guys surprisingly pretty!" 

"our head department Mrs Jung Yunhui only told us that we will have two interns. so.. introduce yourself!"

"hi, my name is Lee Soul, we both graduated from Seoul University together. we live together and we've been friend for two years now! and i love pink!" Soul cheerfully introduced herself.

"hey we are same! i like pink too!"

"oh wow! i like all kinds of pink! she likes dark colour." Soul poked Dalili cheeks with her pinky finger.

"hi, my name is Dalili Izwani. You can call me Dalili. umm i like dark colour and i love to wear hats like bucket hat, baseball cap and binnie and yup im wearing hijab! see bucket hat and hijab! and i love to cook. also i think.. my charm is my tanned skin colour." Soul nodded her head in agreement.

"she's a good cooker! i love your cookings!" Soul said while clapping her hands.

"wow, nice introduction from both of you! and yup hijab and bucket hat looks nice together." 

"okay! all of you! later we have to go to outdoor photo shoot session so be ready to load clothes and accessories into the car! we have so many things to do today! and we can have picnic there!" 

"Dalili, you must be so happy right? you could work with your favorite idol." 

"of course i am. these all thanks to you. i owe you so much!" Dalili smiled at Soul.

"i know what you're trying to say.. i know.. i love you too hehe :)"

at 3 they had arrived at an abandoned themed park as a large group. they were the first group to arrive just to prepare accessories and clothing for the boyz members. 

the seniors were so nice to teach them things step by step. encouraged them to think of a nice but outstanding mix and match. the theme for the photo shoot was 'unabandoned happiness' for Theb kit for the end of promotion later.

"Dalili look! it's the boyz!" Dalili turned around to see the idols were walking towards them. her eyes sparkled looking at them dashingly walking under the scorching hot sun. then, Mrs Jung introduced them to the boyz. 

"i bet you must have been so speechless right now.. you are now working together with them. i know you can't control your happiness :) i know you want to shout hihi :)" Soul whispered to Dalili's ear.

"shut up. i can control it okay.. wait i think i might faint." both of them laughed silently behind Mrs Jung's back. 

"Dalili go get Juyeon's cloth and style him like how i explained just now.. and Soul please prepare Jacob cloth and style him like in manual okay?" they both nodded their head and do their work as what were told.

juyeon who was following Dalili started to speak. "you look like Sunwoo" he said. Dalili turned his head then let out a soft chuckle "you mean my skin?" she asked, "emm your skin looks nice" he said while making eye contact with her. "uhh haha.. thank you. i like my skin too." Dalili turned back to find Juyeon's cloth. "here you go" she gave it Juyeon. 

"here." Dalili who was preparing accessories for Juyeon turned around to find Juyeon was standing so close to her while helding out his cloths. her face turned red and hurriedly moved a step back from Juyeon. she took the clothes and hanged it nicely on the clothes hanger. 

Dalili fixed his clothes and unintentionally made eye contact with him again her face redden, later a soft breeze hits her face, she looked at the side to see Juyeon was holding fan for her. she smiled then thanked him.

"so your name is Dalili? what is the meaning of it?" he asked. "someone who's indulge with every attention, comfort and kindness." "so you are spoiled." Dalili looked at him, feeling insulted. "but im not spoiled. i've never been spoiled." she said softly while looking back at his shirt. Juyeon smiled, finding her little actions were cute.

hi :) how was the first chapter? i hope you guys enjoy it! i love how i make Soul personality looks exactly like my bff a clumsy soft girl and also genius person. i don't have any idea to name the other employee hope could make it up soon.

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