~Chapter Forty-Nine~

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Abigail's POV

"Why?" I questioned, tears forming in my eyes. In front of me was the man I used to call Dad.

"Because you ruined everything! You killed my Elizabeth, that's why I'm going to kill you!"

"What has gotten into you, you've gone completely psycho! I didn't kill Elizabeth! You know how much it pained me to let her go! Have you ever considered the fact that she committed suicide partially because you were such a shitty husband!"

The monster slowly walked up to me and his hand forcefully came in contact with my cheek. "How dare you talk to me that way! You are in no position to talk back to me! You're lucky I'm not killing you today. I'm going to make you suffer the same way you made me suffer when you killed Elizabeth." he spoke with pure hatred. Those were his last words before he walked out of the room and locked the door shut.

I'm not going to say I'm too surprised. I would sometimes see him beating my mum, Elizabeth. I would always ask her why she stayed with him but she would always answer me with the same thing. "Because I love him." But there was no way she could fool me, her mouth said one thing, but her eyes said another.


I took a good look around me, I seemed to be in a basement. The only exits were the door and a small window a couple feet above my head if I were standing. I could probably fit through it, but it would be difficult trying to climb up the wall. Elizabeth's husband, Max, hasn't changed much, he's still the same idiotic asshole I remember, he forgot to check to see if I had brought any weapons with me. I had hidden a small pocket knife in my right boot, I could cut the rope off of my wrists and escape through the window. Then again, even if I did manage to make it out, I probably wouldn't make it too far before I got caught.


I had already spent one whole day in this cold dirty room. I hadn't had anything to eat or drink since I've been here. This was Max's form of making me suffer. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a noise. It was coming from outside, I looked out to see...


(I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Please don't forget to vote and comment, thanks.  ~Amy)

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