~Chapter Fifty-Six~

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Abigail's POV

I woke up to the flight attendant speaking through the intercom, "Everyone please put on your seatbelt. The plane is about to land, you have arrived at your destination."

I made sure my seat belt was buckled and stuck a piece of gum in my mouth. I hate landings and take offs.


I sent a text to Niall, saying that we had arrived and that I couldn't wait to see him. Right now he was with the other boys doing something in the studio. The girls and I took a taxi to the hotel we were staying at which was also the same hotel the boys were staying at. We were walking into the hotel building when I heard pictures getting snapped. I swear the paps are always a step ahead of us, it's ridiculous! Can't they find something better to do with their lives?

When we entered the building we got our room key and rode the elevator up to our floor. The boys had reserved a whole floor seeing they are going to stay here for a good while. Emma was saying with Zayn, Megan was with Louis, and I was staying with Niall while Harry was next door.

I found Niall's room and explored before I fished out an outfit from my suitcase as well as some toiletries so I could take a shower. My outfit consisted of a pair of black leggings, my Crazy Mofos T-shirt, and my unicorn slippers. My look was lazy because I still had a couple hours until I had to get ready for the concert and I just wanted to stay in the room, maybe watch some TV, order room service, and sleep.


While I was reading, at some point Niall walked into the room. I hadn't noticed until he kissed the top of my head. I saw him and I jumped up from the chair I was sitting in, while squealing. I hugged him ever so tightly and smiled at him.

"I missed you, Niall."

"I missed you too, Abby. Happy Birthday!" he pulled out a little box from his pocket and placed it in my hands.

"Niall, you really didn't have to. I would've been happy with just spending time with you."

"Please open it, for me." he implored, I sighed but obliged. I untied the light blue ribbon and slowly lifted up the lid. Inside was a go gorgeous heart shaped necklace. I gently took it out of the box, "It's beautiful." I whispered.

"Could you please help me put it on?" I asked.

"Of course." I handed him the necklace and held my hair up while he put the cold material on around my neck. I then gave him a gentle kiss. Looking at the box that once contained the necklace, I recalled the box I had in my suitcase from Elizabeth. I walked to my suitcase with Niall following close behind. The box was exactly where I had left it. I looked up Niall and he rubbed my back soothingly. Finally, I would open the box and see that last thing I would receive from Elizabeth. I opened the box with shaky hands. There was a letter, money, and an object within a small piece of cloth. I read the letter first.

Dear Abigail,

There are many things that I have kept from you over all these years. I know you know that I kidnapped you, but you might be wondering how. Well, I had help from Max. No one was willing to help me hide you, they all thought I was crazy and I probably was. The point is, I knew Max since we were in highschool and one day, I happen to bump into him, he was willing to help as long as I married him. He claimed that he loved me and that he couldn't live without me. He said that if I didn't marry him he would report me to the police. I'd already told him so I had no other choice. We got married and bought a house.

As the years passed by, he started complaining, saying that I didn't show any affection towards him. He threatened me and forced me to do things I didn't want to do. He began beating me. There was one time he tried to hit you when he was drunk, I didn't let him so he punished me. I was tempted many times to pack my bags and abandon him so I could take you to somewhere safe, but I was his prisoner and there was no way I could escape my cell. When you met One Direction I was disappointed but also a little bit relieved. When I was sure that you had found your family, I attempted to commit suicide. Whether I succeeded or not, I don't know because I'm writing this before the attempt.

I wanted to die because I couldn't live with Max anymore and I didn't have to because you had already found your real home. I have organized a box with money that I saved for you and a bracelet, there is also the email and password that I have created for you ever since you were little. I've been sending pictures of you when you were growing up as well as letters I've written to that same email. The bracelet has been passed down in my family for generations, my mother gave it to me and now I want you to have it. I just want you to know that I love you and I will always love you. I truly am sorry for everything I have done, for all the troubles that I've caused.
~Love, Elizabeth.

"I forgive you." I whispered, tears were running freely down my face.

(YAY! I finally updated, sorry for the wait. There's a picture of Abby's outfit on the side. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment it would be greatly appreciated, thanks. ~Amy)

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