Lolita Invasion(Part one)

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Yuuki's POV

"HOW CAN YOU BE SO AWKWARD AROUND OUR DAUGHTER? YOU MUST IMPROVE YOUR MOTHERLY SKILLS!! I HAVE SIGNED YOU UP FOR MOTHERLY-TRAINING!!!"" Tamaki shouted at Kyoya as Sakura and I sat on one of the couches. Tamaki had been completely oblivious to the Kyoya/Sakura situation, and so far it had been awkward and Sakura had buried her face in the couch in depression.

"Motherly-training? Really Tamaki? Motherly training?" He said in total disbelief. "That's got to be one of the stupidest things you've ever said."

"And that little piggy crossed the line." Sakura muttered into the couch. I couldn't have put it better myself. Kyoya was normally rude, but never that much, and never to Tamaki.

"Excuse me? First you disrespect your daughter then you disrespect your husband? How low can you get?" I shot back

"I don't have time for your petty complains about how I treat others, I at least remember my manners unlike some people" he said while looking at Tamaki.

"You never learn do you kKoya? You're still disrespecting your husband."

"I don't have time to play your silly game of house today, I have a meeting with my father " he replied, while walking out the giant double doors.

I yelled in frustration "Sakura, character. Now."

"Sailor moon, why?" Sakura replied quickly.

"I need to sew out my feelings" I shot back

"And I thought I was the weird one" Sakura muttered.

"Agreed" was heard from the twins.

"Oh shut it, you three" I said as I escaped to my corner to make more cosplay.


Sakura and the twins walked over looking slightly... suspicious.

"We have a proposition for you "Kaoru said, smiling mischievously.

"You two ladies should come to a photo shoot that our mother is doing," explained Hikaru.

"You see, she told us to pick two ladies from our school for the job," continued Kaoru.

"And we picked you two " finished Hikaru.

"I think it would be fun!" said Sakura with her normal enthusiasm.

"I don't see why not, it could be fun" I agreed, mostly because Sakura seemed happy for the first time in days.

"So, what are we gonna be wearing anyway?" Sakura asked, slightly anxious.

"Oh, you know fancy clothes, perhaps some lolita..." the twins said together causing Sakura to jump with joy and myself to cringe.

"Lolita, really? Since when has your mother made lolita?" I shot back.

"Well its been making a lot of news lately, and uh... don't question us." said a flustered Hikaru.

Clearly this was a plan to make Sakura get back to normal. But spending time with the twins while wearing cute clothes wouldn't be a bad thing, I certainly wouldn't mind.

Sakura's POV

It was the morning of the photo shoot and I didnt want to get out of bed then I remembered that I'll be able  to wear sweet lolita. I got out of bed and banged on Yuuki's door till she woke up.

"What do you want Sakura," she moaned, looking as if she was trying to get back to sleep by leaning on the door frame to her bedroom.

"The photo shoot, now hurry up and get ready! I don't want to be late!" I said, trying to convince Yuuki.

"I don't really want to go" Yuuki said. It must have been the sleep talking.

"But you get to wear lolita." I tried again. But guessing by the look on her face it wasn't not helping "I mean, you get to see Hikaru..."

"Fine" she said, going to get ready.

"Also, what does one wear to a photo shoot?!?!" I asked , panicking.

"Jeans, wear jeans, please be normal for once, I don't want you to scare their mother." Yuuki rambled on, but I ignored her,

"Ok. I'm gonna go get dressed then" I said as I exited her side of the house.

I went to my closet to find something 'normal'... It seemed as though I didn't have anything that fit the bill... Oh well. I decided to wear a sweet lolita dress. It was pink and puffy and has sweets all over it. What can make a better impression then that?

I walked over to Sakura's room, and saw her wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Boring. "How are we even related?"

"Would you prefer if I wore something puffy and pink?"Yuuki asked sarcastically.

"Actually, yes," I said, laughing when she cringed.

"In your dreams.Let's go, slow-poke." She said, poking me for emphasis.

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