Our First Day Of Not-So-Hosting

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(link to cosplay: http://www.sellcosplay.com/cheap-lolita-maid-blue-cosplay-dress-buy-cosplay-uniform-p-686.html )

Sakura's POV

We arrived early to music room three to get our orders for the day before all the moeing girls showed up.Tamaki-senpai was the first to notice us , and he pulled out two clothing bags, labeled with mine and Yuuki's names.

"Hello my darlings! I have a surprise for my favourite ginger twins!" He said happily, or perhaps it was too happily.

"HEY!" The Hitachiin's called from the couch they were sitting on. Yuuki and I looked at the bags hesitantly, our past experience with Ouran and surprises had not been good.

Tamaki pulled out two costumes; full maid's cosplays; with light blue dress, white apron, stockings, and tiny hats. There were clunky shoes in the bottoms of the bags, completing the cosplay.

"No way in hell Senpai," Yuuki said with a straight face and I could hear one of the twins say "Wow, I thought only Haruhi would be so blunt towards  the Boss."

Kyoya crossed the room, his little black book already open and his pen in his hand. "If you do, I'll reduce your debt by a hundred yen each."

"Make it one hundred fifty, and you've got a deal." my twin said, reaching towards one of the bags.

"Wait a second, how did you know our sizes." I asked, giving Kyoya the evil eye.

"I took the liberty of doing a complete background check on you two," he said smirking as he snapped his book closed.

"Damn you Kyoya," Yuuki and I said together death glaring at him and heading back to the Change rooms, for the second time in as many days. After I finally put on the crinoline , putting the rest of the cosplay was simple. I was done changing before Yuuki so I decided to sit and enjoy not having to do anything, I had the feeling that I wont' be sitting much for the rest of the day, er, well, the rest of this school year at least.

"Sakura! " I heard Yuuki yell from her stall, "I need help getting this damn dress on over this puffy stuff!!!" I laughed at my twin, and walk into her stall to help her. After a few awkward moments and explanations about how you put the dress on OVER your head we emerged to see the the Host Club  ginning at us. Like idiots,  I might add.

"I'm not wearing those shoes! " Yuuki said pointing to the shoes on the nearby table. " They're ugly , clunky torture devices, and I refuse to murder my feet my wearing them" she said as she went over to her combat boots and put them on." I kinda like them.." I trailed off as I saw the look on Yuuki's face. If looks could kill, I think her glare rivaled Kyoya-senpai's."I mean I like to hate them...?" I said trying to cover my tracks. 

"Nice try Sakura...." said Yuuki, rolling her eyes. All we could hear was the Host Club moeing over how adorable we were. I'm pretty sure that Tamaki was drooling as he said "Daddy certainly spent his money well". The Hitachiins walked over and pulled at our waist-length hair. "We need to fix this though," they said almost evilly, and dragged us over to chairs and attacked our heads with combs.

"NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO" Yuuki and I screamed. The twins stopped suddenly, and smirked.

"We won't if you can win the "Which one is Hikaru game!" They said together. Yuuki immeadiatly pointed to the twin on the left, so I pointed to the one on the right, just in case she was wrong.

The twin that I had pointed to laughed and continued doing my hair. "You got it wrong!" He said in a sing-song voice, dropping the brush on the table.

"How did you know which one was which?" Kyoya asked Yuuki as she stood up.

"Oh, that's easy, Twintuition" she smiled and then winked at me as Karou finished tying up my high pigtails.

I stood up and quickly tied Yuuki's hair up the exact same way. "This is for that Twintuition comment!" 

"Yuuki-chan, I'll show you where you'll be working!" Honey-senpai said, leading her off to where a sewing machine and numerous bolts of fabric where stacked.

"Come on Sakura-Senpai, I'll show you to the kitchens, where you'll be working," Haruhi said, stepping over to another door, which lead to a kitchen full of baking materials.

"Yay! Cake time!" I said happily, because, just like Honey, I love cake!

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