chapter 1

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We all know the story of the Moon Goddess. She is the one who gave life to my kind the werewolves.

But there is also a God you are missing he is called the Shadow God. He is the one who lives through chaos and war. He steals your soul for the depths of hell were you will burn till the end of time.

But like the Moon Goddess she has followers. He has them as well but he only has one who does his dirty work for him. She has army's that will kill in her name.

Hey my name is Victoria Hill I'm that one person. You might wonder what got me to do his bidding well. A long story short I had to because I lost my life to the world when I was young he took me in and raised me. And for that I owe my life to him. I came from depths of darkness and he gave me a light to hold onto.

Now I'm bound to him and it has its bad days and good days. People see him as the bad guy but I see him as a good man with a dark past. He has to make a living too some how, that is making deals with people and collecting souls that deserves to burn.

Being bound to the shadow god has it downfalls like I'm bound to the shadows. I kill to survive because if I don't kill I die bit by bit. You could say its like a curse. I need to feed my wolf she is the only demon i carrie still. The other demons of my past I'm hunting i have a few left but the list is getting shorter.

Its what it is. I have my story and this will be the story of the other side of the Gods.


Today is only starting as I look down to my watch it reads 8 a.m. and I'm waiting for a man that needs to pay his debt with My master for that i need to collect his soul.

He is the beta of Harvest Moon Pack. He sold his soul to be in the Beta position but like everything it has a time limit. His limit was 35 years after that his time in Beta is done. Some deals last a long time and some only a few days all depends on the person.

I walk through the pack border the wolves can't see me till I show myself and that is a half plus to my life. Its like hiding in the shadows and when I step out of it you can see me almost like the boodyman that hids till you did something to bring him out of hiding.

It doesn't take long till I'm at the front door of the pack house.

I make myself known by showing I'm here. Not a lot of wolves sense me because of the scent I hide.

I don't knock but just walk right in almost like I've lived here for years. I am a very special tipe of wolf, my kind dead a very long time ago. I was born as an original and I am the last one standing thanks to master.

I know the alpha would be in his office so thats were I'm heading. I go up the stairs turn left in tge second hallway and stop in front of two big mahogany doors. I've been keeping an close eye on this pack because of the beta, with every deal i make i keep tabs to make sure the power given isn't used for bad, if it is used for bad their time is cut to that day and they have to deal with the consequences.

I knock on the door twice and then I wait. Knocking twice is like my go to easy and affective.

"Come in!" The alpha calls from the inside.

I walk in with a bigger authority than the ordinary alpha. Thanks to my title of the shadow wolf another plus. Being the Shadow wolf is like being a type of 'god' being the only one that is.

He looks up not recognizing the smell. I don't smell like a pack, but my scent smells like burned oak wood, fresh daisys and honey. Weird I know. I don't usually let my scent out but with alphas I do to keep them a peace of mind

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