Chapter Eight

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"You know when you were a kid and you believed in fairytales? That fantasy of what your life would be- white dress, prince charming who'd carry you away to a castle on a hill. You'd lie in your bed at night and close your eyes and have complete and utter faith. Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, prince charming- they were so close you could taste them. But eventually you grow up and one day you open your eyes and the fairytale disappears. Most people turn to the things and the people they can trust. But the thing is, it's hard to let go of the fairytale entirely because almost everyone has that smallest bit of hope and faith that one day they would open their eyes and it would all come true. At the end of the day, faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expect it. It's like one day you realise that the fairytale may be slightly different than you dreamed. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And it's not so important that it's happy ever after. Just that it's happy right now. See once in a while, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you, and once in a while people may even take your breath away" 

"a simple word, a simple gesture. someone to say you're beautiful"

Izzie bit into the chocolate cupcake she made. "God, it's still not right", she complained. "Something's missing". "You could always call your mom", George suggested. "Or not. I don't call my mom", Lucy added in. "These are really good."

"We got a trauma case!" Bailey yelled. "Shepherd!" Lucy ran over. "36 year old female, she crashed into a drunk driver", the paramedic informed.

Lucy was scrubbed into surgery with Dr Bailey when the patient started flatlining. "Paddles! Charge to 300! Clear! Come on!" Bailey yelled. After many tries, the patient died. "Call it, Shepherd", Bailey said. "Time of death, 10:22", she said, tearfully.

Lucy sat sobbing in the on-call room when the door was opened. Alex Karev walked in and saw her crying. "What's wrong?" he asked, kneeling down near her. "We lost a mother of four to a stupid drunk driver", she sniffed. Alex placed his hand on her cheek and she sighed sadly before looking into his eyes. He stared back and for a moment, they just stared before she grabbed his face and kissed him. Once she pulled away and their noses were touching, he looked at her confusedly. "What was that-" he began. "Do you have a glove?" Lucy asked him.


"You know, no glove, no love"

"Oh, yeah"

"Okay, if we do this, it's a one time thing. Taking out all our frustration and anger. Got it?"

He nodded before taking off her scrub top and she took off his and he led her to the bed.

"Wow", Alex said, lying flat on his back. "You're not so bad yourself", she laughed, getting dressed.

"You know, we could make a habit out of this. Letting out all our frustration and anger"

"No. One time thing, Karev, one time thing" 

alex and lucy slept together! lucy lost her first patient! hope you enjoyed! song is save the hero by beyonce

Falling-Grey's Anatomy AU-Book 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें