-Chapter 4- -Our Plans-

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-Kaizen Academy Grounds-

-Graduation Day, Early February-

-Mid Morning; 11 am-

-Suzushii's Perspective-

"Take these three to the nearest hospital around here right now! They're about to die any second now!! Call me right me afterwards on their condition later!" I shouted as our backup agents inclined with my order and rushed, as they had them inside their black SUV on the parking spaces on the right of the whole school. I stared unto the academy's grounds.

They were filled with multiple emergency first aid huts with backup medics helping the affected victims that needed them, multiple parents and guardians gathering and accompanying their children as the agents assisted them along with the police officers. Multiple other backup agents went inside to check for more infected students to obliterate their foreign aura, the snow falling harder all around us as I grabbed a snowflake slowly falling down. I grabbed my neck with my hand as my mind thought...

Kaizen Academy... one of the many schools affected by an Insurgent attack... and not just any Insurgent... It was someone we knew, Kokko Yano. A former comrade and teacher, an Ishiin like us... it's rumored that she didn't resign of her own volition, but was forced to. Now all she is... is a shell of her former self... A sadistic manipulator, supposedly brainwashed by the old Insurgent remnants of more than 200 years ago... by "Those" bastards...

I sigh as I see multiple students taken by multiple ambulances, police and private vehicles of our own... the collateral damage we took here, will be nothing if we don't start being more prepared... for whatever they have planned...

I felt something tug at my shoulder as I see the shorter blue haired student of mine.

"What's the matter, Rushiko?" I asked him as we looked at the Academy's surroundings. Filled with all of the people such as the affected victims, their parents or guardians, the medics, our own men along with the police... and the worst problem right now.

The media!

I sighed louder as I got closer to a police officer and asked him.

"Why are there still this many reporters around here!? They're halting our progress and causing more problems than we need right now!" I said as he scratched the back of his head, his face frowning.

"We know! We're trying to escort them out without threatening to arrest them... but I think we don't have a choice but to..." he says this as he reports to the other officers around the area.

"We'll have them out of the crime scenes! and also! we'll deal with the victims here and in the other affected schools! we'll be done by later at probably 2-3 pm sir!" he said this as I bobbed my head, Rushiko following me as we walked over to my car. A normal black SUV pretty much perfect for any situation (the uniform vehicle for us).

"Senpai... what'll happen to Jisei and the other two?" He asked as the both of us got in my car. I started the engine as the snow completely covered the view of the windshield, I activated the wipers as I replied.

"They're going to be fine! it might take them a week or two to get better, before we can let them train. I do hope they would want to be Ishiins... I mean they've already awakened their abilities. And it takes years or even decades for actual Ishiins to get theirs (you know how hard it is to awaken one...) they have massive potential to be better than even me! (probably hehe) I just hope that they'll accept us..." I stated as we left the academy, the SUV leaving multiple marks on the snow covered road.

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