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Elizabeth's P.O.V
The wedding bells rung and the new bride and groom along with others had been celebrating.Everyone cheering and happy for the new wed.
I on the other hand,wasn't.
They for who are dressed all in white Im covered in black, the color that describes my soul and it's emptiness.
If he were to know how much I loved him.
But he would never.
I let him free from me to run towards his lover.
I told him I was 'alright' and gave him one of my fakest smiles and he fell for it.
Sometimes it felt like I was just trying too hard.
I am deeply and madly in love with him.Is this unhealthy?
I knew from the start that when he came back he had changed.
He was no longer the happy and cheery ciel i used to know.Now he's like that but completely opposite.
I just couldn't face the fact that he's changed I dread it and to this day as well.
I love you ciel. I got strong to protect you,and stayed cute to please you as I am your wife...or was.
But look at me now.I look hideous,truly weak.I do not wish you to see me like this.
You wonder where I am?
Oh,well I guess I can tell you.
I'm at a small cabin near the woods where it's peaceful and quiet.No one can hear me no matter how hard or loud I scream.No one can find me since it's so far away.So that no one or even you will find me.
Please do not worry for me for I care for you.
I will be gone but that doesn't mean you shouldn't live on with a happy life.
I grabbed a Pen and sat near the desk in the corner writing a letter that read:

Dear Ciel,
Congrats on the wedding!
I want to let you know that I'm fine with that.As long as your happy ill be alright then.
Just seeing that beautiful smile is fine.
You probably right now have found me since your a really good detective.
But what I do is what I think is best.I may not be here with you but I promise you that I'll be here in your heart and from the skies protecting you.So please do not cry for when I'm gone because this is not my attention.
I love you and always had and forever will,and Sebastian please take care of Ciel and always be sure to stay by his side as you know how fragile he is.
Please don't show this to my parents for it will make things worse for them.Just please tell them I got lost in the forest and died of...well anything just make something up knowing my mother she'd be disapointed.
So this is a goodbye and I wish you guys the best in life.

Sincerely,Your cousin

I cried and no matter how hard I tried they just kept on falling of my cheeks.
'This is why he doesn't love you.'
'Your weak'
I know,I know.

Well I guess it's time.
I grabbed some rope that I brought earlier when I was at home and tied up to the ceiling.
Okay....'do it'
"I-I can't"
'Don't you want to end this?'
"Yes,I do"
'Then do it already'
I proceeded grabbing the chair and took off my shoes and climbing it.I then grabbed the rope and wrapped around my neck.
"I love you Ciel."
I jumped off the chair letting it fall to the floor.Tears rolling in my cheeks and I just smiled.
I was happy.

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