Can't </3 By: Lydia Thompson

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She stands at the side,

Away from all the people.

Briskly she walks to the bathroom,

She sits and cries silently in the corner.

She doesn't understand.

"Why doesn't anyone care about her?"

She silently screams;

There's no escape.

She can't cut her wrist.

She can't drink her pain away.

She feels unloved,

No one understands...

He stands close enough to see her;

Not close enough for her to see him.

Why can't he just tell her?

Why can't she see she's beautiful?

Why can't he just walk up and say...

"I really like;

You're beautiful. Can't you see

You're not alone in life?

The blades you use, they aren't the answer.

The scars- they tell a story.

But I'd kiss them all before you slept if you'd let me.

The bottles that you drink,

They are not an escape, only a temporary high..."

Why can't he tell her...

She matters to him?

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