The Ledge Jan. 12

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She stand on the ledge,

Looking out over the edge.

Looking up at her, are her friends there.

It could all be a joke, or maybe a dare.

Thinking of it all;

What she'd lost if she would fall.

Remembering their faces as she pushed them away;

She could do nothing more than stand up and sway.

Throwing her life to end,

What would happen to her friends?

They would end up on that ledge,

Bending over; looking past the edge.

Backing away slowly, she whispered apologes.

Her mind was gone and at a seize.

Grabbing her long as she turned around,

Her quest was forth to bound.

It's the only thing to do,

She thought as she passed the yew.

Looking up, where she stood, looking over the edge

They wonder what is was beyond the ledge.

She set out on her quest;

They did what they did best,

They waited and waited,

Not letting her become faded.

They knew she was gone,

But, nor for so long. 

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