Thanks For The Memmories... Even Though They Weren't So Great

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Patrick's POV:

Marisa called me and asked if I was married. Not the call I expected, but definitely one I was ready for at some point. I don't know how she found out, but that's not important. I said no and changed the topic. I asked her to meet me at the bar again, but this time we should go to a motel or something so we don't have to go to my house. I know it will make her suspicious, but I don't want to tell her... Not yet.

Marisa's POV:

I show up to the bar and he shows up a few minutes later. I ask the question I've been dying to have answered.
"So are you married or aren't you? And just so you know, I know a liar when I see one." He thinks for a moment and says
"Can we talk about this later?" Avoiding the question... Definitely hiding something...
"No I don't think so. You avoided this question once. I'm not letting you get away that easy again." He looks at he ground and back up Into my eyes. I focus on the greenish blue of his irises and almost forget I'm suppose to be angry.
"Alright I'll tell you... But can we at least find a motel first? Then I swear I'll tell you." I agree because I really want to know the answer to my question, so there had to be a compromise in there somewhere.
We walk to the nearest hotel and ask for the cheapest room for one night. We walk in and I sit down on the bed.
"Alright now tell me or I can just leave. Your choice. And why did you want a motel room?" He sits down beside me and tells me not to think he's ridiculous or stupid or weak. I agree not to judge him and he begins his story.
"I wanted a room because my maid is cleaning my house tonight and I didn't want to wait to see you, but my house needed cleaning up. Anyway back to your question... I am supposed to be married, but something happened. She became... Abusive when we were dating... We lived together and it was a month before the wedding when it started...She was bossy and spent all my money and hit me and told me I wasn't to do anything without her permission. She told me how weak I was for letting a woman push me around. I finally had enough and told her to leave. After she finally left I kept the ring, but I don't love her anymore. I just keep it for the memories I guess."
"Huh, sounds like my roommate." I lay back on the bed and think about the fact that he has been abused just as bad as I am. It pains me to think of tears falling from his gorgeous eyes when she would hit him. I decide to tell him the story of my life. All about my alcoholic, druggie parents and about Jessica, but I can't find it in me to say her name. It isn't smooth on my tongue like Patrick's is. It tastes sour and brings me chills when I think about it.
Patrick and I begin to speak again after a long silence. We decide to stop lingering on the past and think about the present. As our words get more seductive, I lose myself once again in his eyes.
Okay in this story, Patrick is obviously not married, and the band never took a break, but I might end up using soul punk songs as titles so we'll just say it was a side project in between FOB albums. Hope you're liking it so far!!

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