they just jokes? part one.

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"Hey babygirl, wanna hop on stream?".

Now, this was a tough decision. Every time you get on a stream with Berlin, he acts.... really fucking weird. Cracking jokes is one thing, but your humor was different. You felt he could be really mean, especially when he's in the zone streaming.


Reluctantly, you agree to film with Berlin.

About a quarter way into the stream, you stop playing the selected game and read comments.

@yneggsgang donated 50 dollars
"Berlin, why do you play games with her, you know she sucks right?"

The automated voice read aloud the rude comment. To your shock, Berlin laughs.

"Yeah, she sucks ass, pause but yeah she's the only one here besides Pumkin". You sit there quietly and anger boils in you. You knew he was gonna pull this funny shit on live. The next comment regarded your body.

"Damn! You got you a overweight chick! She is kinda bad though!"

You look at Berlin, hoping deep down he won't say anything to make the situation worse . Lo and behold, he does.

"I'm used to skinny girls but she'll do."

He replied laughing and putting his arm around you. With that, you got up out of the chair, gave him the controller and left the room.

"Huh? "Aye, Where are yo- "

"Berlin, please just leave me alone. Do the stream by yo fuckin' self."

You walk out slamming his door and going into your shared bedroom. The fucking audacity of that man.

Everyone in the chat chastised Berlin for reading comments and the comments he happened to read aloud.

"They was just jokes? I didn't call her fat at all! Imma end the stream and see if wifey is alright. I'mma catch y'all later."

With that Berlin ends the stream and PG calls him.

"Hey PG-"

"Dude is Y/N alright? Why'd you say that to her man? You know she sensitive about that kinda stuff."

"I didn't say anything? All I did was read comments- Oh shit."

"Yeah man Oh shit. Go check up on her and dude, stop saying that shit about her man."

"I'll call you after we talk."

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