triggered (the worst)

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"hello?" you answered the phone wondering who could be calling. "hey pretty lady." it was berlin. fuck. "hey. what do you want?" trying to cover the sadness and shakiness in your voice but the sniffling gave it away aswell as the livestream. "why are you ignoring me and dodging calls? you left last week and just won't talk to me. let's be adults about it." berlin says. even though you were upset, he was right. this chasing game was getting old and eventually you'd have to talk to him about it so might as well get it over with. "yeah. sure." while listening to berlin talk, you heard the words you didn't wanna hear. "..and unfortunately, i just don't see you in that way." you sit there numb. just for him to snap you out of your trance. "y/n? you there? "yeah i'm here."

after the call you and berlin drifted apart almost. it felt as if the confession ruined the friendship, because it genuinely did. your other friend, mark (PG) called to check in on you. everyone else's calls just didn't seem important, you just wanted to talk to mark. "hey mark, what's up?" you said in a monotone voice. "hey y/n. how are you-" you cut him off. "is that what you called to ask? if i'm okay? because i'm not honestly." it went silent for a minute. "im sorry you feel like this. is there anything i can do? you want me to come over?" that sounded like a good idea, maybe seeing a friend would deflect the tension. "sure, wait actually, invite everyone. we're going out tonight.

after putting on your outfit for the get together at mark's house,

after putting on your outfit for the get together at mark's house,

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you grabbed your car keys and headed to his house. while your playlist was on shuffle, triggered (freestyle) by jhene aiko came on. "damn she can look right into my soul." you said. as you pulled up to mark's house you saw joe, dontai, rico and jojo's respective cars in the driveway. you adjust your lashes, hair and dress and walk in. as soon as you hit the front door, it opened. it was mark. "hey!" he hugged you tight and you smiled. "hey mark!" he guides you inside with his hand firmly on you waist. when you looked up, your heart dropped. berlin was sitting in the living room. as soon as you and mark entered everyone's eyes went to you. "goddamn y/n! who you looking like that for?" jojo said. your eyes made contact with berlin for a split second then you answered "my fucking self."

as the night went on you took more and more casamigos shots. trying to drown out your emotions was the goal for tonight. nothing else mattered. the guys started to worry when you lurched forwards and ran to the restroom. as you were throwing up you felt hands behind your waist and pulling your hair back gently. "fuck. why are you in here. i don't want you seeing ne like this pg." "sorry to disappoint pretty lady but it's not mark." you recognized that voice. it was berlin. fucking berlin. you felt the smile in his voice and slapped him out of your grasp. "go away berlin. i don't wanna see you." you slurred. getting up off of the bathroom floor was a challenge and once again berlin helped you. this time you hit him harder. "get away from me!" you walk out of the bathroom and berlin follows "i was just tryna help yo drunk ass, since you wanna be a bitch fine." berlin pushes past you. as he's in front of you, you shove him. "fuck you bitch. i hate you!" you fell to the floor and cried. berlin looked back thinking you were hurt. you were. but he didn't help you get up. he walked away from you, the friendship, and from his true love.

a/n sorry for the sad ass ending💀

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