Beast vs Hope (USJ)

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Hello here i am again with another exciting chapter today!

Yes this one will be a real package and i will do my best to satisfy all of your inner needs in this chapter.

With that i think you all should get reading.

Oh and follow me and vote for the story if you like it, also i really appreciate your comments.

Have fun!


You slowly open your eyes after having had a long and good sleep from yesterday. The first thing you see are the eyes of Asuna looking at you while a smile would be gracing her facial features.

"Good morning~" She smiled and softly went through your hair with one hand.

"Good morning to you too." You smile and she snuggles closer to you.

"I don't want to get up, what about you?" She looked at you with a smile and her face got closer to yours.

"Me too but maybe i want something else right now." She raised an eyebrow at that but in the next moment you pressed your lips against hers with a loving passion and of course she returned the kiss in a similar fashion.
After a few seconds of kissing you both stopped and smiled at each other.

"I liked that, can we do that again~?" She smiled and you were happy to oblige. After the two of you made out a bit longer you decided to stop before god knows would happen and you both still have school today so that could wait.....for another time.

This time Asuna brought her school uniform with her to your room and the both of you changed. Of course you turned around not too look while she changed. Even if you are a couple for nearly a year now and such things should be normal by now you were always the polite type watching out not to indulge into such desires too much. You were sure Asuna would not mind but you also knew that she liked that part of you aswell.

After the both of you changed and were happy with your appearances you opened the door and checked if the hallway was empty and then you and Asuna made a beeline for the elevator. The last thing you would want is that the other boys would talk behind your back about sleeping with a girl in your room. Well they don't know that you are a couple bjt it still would be just too much of a hassle and you did not want to deal with that...

You arrived at the common area and instantly occupied the kitchen while Asuna took a seat at the table. In quick movements you got out some eggs and sausages and after a bit of waiting you presented a scrumptious breakfast to your girlfriend consisting out of scrambled eggs and sausages mixed into it, followed by two perfectly toasted pieces of toast for each of you. This was followed with a glass of cooled orange juice from the fridge. A few months ago you asked Asuna to teach you how to cook and you are a quick learner. You had the basics down instantly and sometimes you would take over the duty of cooking so you could experiment around and further develope your abilities in the kitchen.

After you both finished your breakfast you both went to the school, today you would not arrive as the first two in class because you decided to stay a bit longer in bed or was it because you were exhausted from yesterday?

As soon you entered the class you say down on your seats and as you notice Midoriya sit down you decide to speak with to check if he is fine after the incident yesterday during their hero training.

The Relentless Hero (BnHa AU X Reader X Asuna SAO)Where stories live. Discover now