I Promise You - 16

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DA note: Remember, I am Desi. I grew up watching Indian TV serials. IDKW I am giving this info away. Maybe another Desi will get what I'm trying to put… After reading the chapter of course.


Alexander stood there, gazing at Magnus.

It was an unsaid competition between them. He looked at the envelope once and then back at Magnus as he took it.

Magnus broke the eye contact the moment the letter slipped out from his hands.

Alexander, still boring holes in Magnus' face, didn't open the letter.

Instead, he started tearing it.

Magnus looked at Alexander's hands, tearing the letter he made with all night's effort and then at Alexander's determined and almost fierce looking eyes as Alexander further tore the letter away.

Their gaze didn't waver, until the letter was small pieces enough that it couldn't be further be teared. He only looked away to throw the pieces in the bin.

When Alexander looked back at him, he saw Magnus look at him with an almost pleading look.

"I promise you, Magnus," He took a step near Magnus, "Just like how you promised Max, that I will protect both you and Max from Lydia and her evil plans."

The look in Alexander's eyes was almost enough for Magnus to throw out the inhibitions.

"As for the other mess which Lydia made," He looked away, "I'll do something about it."

Magnus shook his head as he walked away, "What exactly will you do about it, Al— Mr. Lightwood? What can you do about it?"

Magnus didn't like it when he had to rely on people for help. But this situation was far out of his hand.

"I'll figure something—" He stopped mid way.

A marvellous, marvellous idea popping up in his head,

"Out..." He completed as Magnus looked at him.

Magnus knew something was going on in his mind when he looked at Alexander's face. "Pack your stuff, Magnus, you're coming with me."

"Where are you taking me?"

"My house."

"Your house?"

Magnus asked almost instantly as his brows furrowed. Alexander looked at him, quickly saying, "My family house I mean."

Oh no…

It was already so messy, the news and the social networking sites constantly repeating the controversy like a mantra. Going to his family house might make this even messier if someone caught them.

And what if his family was actually against Magnus after what's happened? A voice said, deep in his head.

"Mr. Lightwood," Magnus quickly started, "I don't think that is a good—"


He gently interrupted him, "The situation right now is dangerous, if anyone, you know it better than me. You were the one who faced Lydia yesterday. You know she'll do whatever it takes to get what she wants. And I'm not leaving you here alone and in danger."

Magnus sighed, "What about your family? What would they say?"

"We'll explain to them." Magnus looked doubtful.

Alexander, without hesitance, reached out for Magnus' hands and held them,

"Magnus, it's gonna be okay. All I want is for you to trust me."

Mr. PA And His CEO | ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora