Chapter 3:Hatred rising

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(3rd pov)

While Urahara and Izuku make their way to Izuku's apartment,Izuku is having a conversation with Junsuina. *Hey Junsuina,how do you think moms going to react to everything that's happened today?* Junsuina thinks for a minute before responding. "Based on what I've seen,she's likely going to faint and or flood the apartment with tears. Be prepared for that." *I doubt it's going to be that bad Junsuina. I'm just ready to start training.*

The entire trip to Izuku's apartment Izuku spends with a smile on his face as he can finally do what he's dreamed of his whole life. Sure he won't be recognized by the public for his deeds,but that was never a focal point for him. He just wanted to save people. Urahara sees this and chuckles lightly to himself. When they reach the door of the apartment,Izuku immediately grows nervous as he sees his mom in the living room,a stern frown on her face and hands on her hip.

"What were you thinking mister!? Why would you run towards a villain attack!? I don't understand what goes through your hero obsessed brain half the time." Inko takes a deep breath before she notices Urahara standing awkwardly at the door. "Uh...may I come in?" Inko's eyes widen when she sees Urahara. She shakes her head and smiles as if nothing happened,but Izuku can tell her smile looks...strained,like she's struggling to keep it up.

"Excuse me but who are you? Do you know him Izuku?" Izuku awkwardly chuckles as he rubs the back of his head. "Mom,this is Mr Urahara. Turns out I have a quirk after all,and Mr Urahara wants to help me train. I wanted him to get your permission beforehand." Inko outwardly appears to be mulling it over,but on the inside she is cursing the events that are happening.

*Dammit why now!? I spend all this time trying to keep him away from this life and now he waltzes into the house with that man's biggest target! Dammit!* She breathes in before she answers. "I'll allow it..." Izuku pumps his fist in victory before Inko continues. "...on one condition. Mr Urahara has to tell me about everything that happens during your training sessions." Since it is a fairly reasonable condition,Urahara agrees.

#Timeskip-brought to you by Aizen listening to Josh Groban#

Izuku is currently lying on the ground breathing heavily after finishing one of Urahara's training sessions. They found out about another of Junsuina's abilities during their latest training session.

(Flashback-1 hour ago)

Urahara wanted to see how well he could handle an average hollow. So being Urahara,he captured a hollow and brought it to a previously secured area. Izuku was a little scared at first since he had never faced a hollow before but Urahara assured him everything would be fine.

While Izuku initially was having a hard time adjusting to fighting a non human opponent,he adapted over time and started landing more and more hits. The hollow seemed to be getting angry however,as it started attacking far more viciously and randomly. Dodging was becoming increasingly difficult as the attack speed increased. The hollow got immensely annoyed at Izuku. It snarled before unleashing two crossing blades of reishi that headed straight for Izuku.

There was no time for Izuku to dodge. In that split second of indecision,his body acted before his mind could catch up. He took a stance,and clashed with the waves. "Shokyo!" The moment he spoke,the blades vanished into thin air. The hollow was dumbfounded by what just happened and stood still in shock. Izuku took this opportunity to bisect the hollow clean through its mask. After this he fell on his back breathing heavily.

"Did I do good,Mr.Urahara?" Izuku asked,panting. Urahara smiled as he looked at Izuku. "You did fantastic,Izuku. Why don't call it a day and tell your mom about your progress? I'm sure she'd like to hear about how strong you've gotten." Izuku blushes and rubs the back of his head as he chuckles embarrassed. "Its nothing too impressive,Mr.Urahara. I'm nowhere near as strong as you yet." Urahara simply smiles and gives Izuku a headpat.

"You're not going to reach my level that quickly. I've had centuries to get as strong as I am. You've been training for two weeks. Take the compliment." Izuku blushes even more before they leave the training area. On the way back to Izuku's apartment,the two talk about random topics. When they get near the apartment,Izuku senses a foreign Reiatsu signature in the apartment. This worries him as he can also sense Inko's presence fading fast.

Izuku immediately shunpos off at maximum speed before Urahara can get a word out. Urahara immediately follows Izuku in hopes of stopping what he knows is a trap. Urahara knows this reiatsu. He knows it all too well. Izuku meanwhile was in a panic. "Come on,go faster damn you! Faster!" Izuku pushes himself faster then he's ever gone before,pushing himself to get home as fast as possible. The moment he enters the apartment,he stares disgusted at the scene in front of him.

A man is standing in the middle of the room with a nonchalant smile on his face.

  A man is standing in the middle of the room with a nonchalant smile on his face

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On the wall lies Inko Midoriya with a stab wound in her chest,barely alive. Inko turns and sees Izuku with Urahara behind him. "Run Izuku,get out of here!" As she speaks she coughs up blood. "Go now!" At her words the man turns and sees Izuku and Urahara standing in the doorway. "Ah,Kisuke Urahara,how have you been?" Urahara frowns as he stares at the man. "Aizen Sosuke,you've hit a new low."

Aizen chuckles before speaking. "You say I've hit a new low,I say I was trying to reclaim what was mine and she refused to tell me where it was." Inko coughs as she speaks again. "Of course not you bastard. I hate you with every fiber of my being and I hope you suffer for everything you've done." Aizen looks over and laughs at Inko. "While this has been fun,I have better things to do then watch a failure die. Goodbye,Kisuke Urahara,Izuku Midoriya." After he finishes speaking,he seems to fade out of existence.

Izuku shook in horror and barely contained rage as he stared at the scene in front of him. A scene he never wished to see was playing out right in front of him. "One day I'll grow strong enough to kill you,and when I do,you better beg for mercy,but I won't be listening. Aizen Sosuke will pay in blood."

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