Chap2:Questions answered and occupation acquired

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Last time on Midori no senshi we saw Izuku awakening his zanpakuto,being kidnapped by a familiar figure,and slightly confusing/scaring several onlookers and heros at the scene.

(3rd POV)

  We now find the hero of our story in a little predicament. He can't go to the hospital because A)nobody can see our friend carrying him who we know as Rukia and B)she doesn't think it would be a good idea to drop him off before getting her questions answered. As she begins thinking on the subject of our pure green boi,she notices him starting to squirm in her arms.

  She decides to shunpo to Uraharas shop to get him patched up completely. Meanwhile while this is happening,Izuku is in his inner world talking with Junsuina. We see that Junsuina appears as a 5'9" tall male wearing dark green karuta tatami gusoku(a type of armor worn by samurai).

  He has black eyes and hair with a smile constantly on his face. He has a wakizashi like his unreleased state on his waist and a miaodao on his back.

  Izuku stares forward with a blank look on his face and for once he isn't having a mutter attack about all the new information. He just stares at a tree. His inner world is full of those. Oh hey look the lake is cold. Izuku shunpos out of there and glares at Junsuina who is laughing his ass off. Junsuina then states "Hey at least I have your attention now. I didn't know if you were gonna start one of your muttering sprees so I threw you in the lake." Izuku is still upset but understands his point so he can't complain too much.

  Izuku then asks "What am I? What are you? What happened back then? Where the heck am I? Why did I start seeing floating transparent people with a broken chain in their chest? Why is this only happening now?" As this is going on Junsuina stares at Izuku with an amused look on his face.

  "OK,OK,calm down already. I'll explain everything just be patient. Jeez you can talk fast. The answer to the first question is that you are a soul reaper. The job of a soul reaper is to ferry souls to the soul society. They are also supposed to cleanse spirits that are called hollows using their zanpakuto. That ties into your second through fourth question. I am your zanpakuto spirit. Every soul reaper has one. I am a reflection of your soul,and as such I live with you and die with you.

  I am the main source of your power. All zanpakuto have three states. The sealed state is the first state. It holds back a lot of my power. Next is shikai. This releases more of my power and changes the blade to better suit the power granted by shikai. Finally is bankai. This is the final release a soul reaper can perform and grants you greater levels of power then shikai ever could. It is interesting as to how you are still in a human body while being able to use me but we will figure out why later.

  As for where we are,it is your inner world. It is where I live and where we communicate. This is where you will be training to fully master shikai before we even think about bankai. As for the transparent people those are what is referred to as a plus. They are spirits whose chain of fate has been broken and cannot return to their bodies. Soul reapers perform konso on these souls to send them to the soul society. If left alone too long the chain will eventually corrode and they will become a holllow.

  Hollows are spirits that never passed on and lost their heart. They wear white masks and have a hole where the heart used to be. The second job of a soul reaper involves these spirits. The soul reaper uses their zanpakuto to fight and purify the hollow of any sins committed while a hollow and allows it to pass on to the soul society.

  Any sins a soul has committed before becoming a hollow are not forgiven however. This is only happening now because this is the first time you have gained a backbone(Izuku:Hey!☹️).You have admitted that you need to get stronger and you have admitted that you need to stop taking all the insults and everything else every day. I found you worthy to at least hear my voice. There is more that I know exists but I cannot tell you much. I do not know much about those topics. Talk to the man helping you when you awaken and all will be made clear."

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