Chap1:The beginning

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You sure you want to hear this. My story isn't for the faint of heart. If someone told you it was all sunshine and rainbows,they would be lying. Still here? OK. If you're ready,let's start the story of my life. The life of Izuku Midoriya.

(3rd person POV)

We start our story off in what can only be described as an otakus paradise. Posters of different hero's litter the walls. The desk is relatively clean except for a few notebooks scattered on it. On the bed lies the protagonist of our story,Izuku Midoriya. At this moment in time he is currently dreaming about many things that hold no importance.

The sun begins to shine through the window into his face. We see our protagonist slowly open his green eyes and blink away the sleep. Slowly he gets out of bed and gets ready for the day. Once he is ready he goes down to see his mom,Inko Midoriya,making breakfast. "Morning mom."Izuku groggily states. Inko looks up to see her son coming in.

"Good morning Izuku,breakfast is almost finished. Go sit down and wait." Izuku does just that. After finishing breakfast,Izuku walks to school. On the way he witnessed a villain attack along with Kamui Woods and Mt.Lady. He takes notes on the heros and continues on his way. (Play music for atmosphere if wanted)

Once he gets to school he continues about his day as normal. If you count getting verbally and physically abused on a daily basis normal. You may be asking yourself "Why is this allowed to happen? Why is he the one subjected to this treatment?". It all comes down to one single word. Quirkless. That one word ruined his life at four years old and continues to ruin it.

It took away his friends,sense of self worth,and to the majority of society his reason for existing. Why is that such a bad thing you may ask. I will gladly tell you. The world Izuku lives in is a superhuman society. 80% of the population possessed some uncanny ability called a quirk. It could be anything from stretching your limbs to having the strength to lift entire buildings with ease.

With the appearance of quirks came the appearance of people who used these powers for evil and selfish desire. Along with them came those who used their quirks to help others and stop the villains. These people would eventually be called heros. You may think the heros are good and always right while the villains are always evil and wrong. That would be incredibly narrow minded.

The world is not black and white. Some heros use their social standing and money to commit heinous acts while some villains are forced into their situation because of said heros actions or society does its magic. Some people get called villains because of the potential uses of their quirk even if they intend to become heros. The same could be said for heros. Based on how powerful and flashy someone's quirk is they are allowed to do whatever and get away with it.

This is the situation for Izuku. Because he is quirkless,everyone belittles and bullys him. He has no friends. Even his teachers do nothing to stop this behavior. Sometimes they even encourage it. Izuku takes this with a smile on his face because according to him,"A hero wouldn't let hateful comments and harsh actions get to them. A hero takes it and continues with a smile."

Because of this he has a habit of bottling up his emotions until he eventually snaps. During class the teacher has a stack of papers. "OK class,since this is your last year of junior high,you should start thinking seriously about your future. I am now going to pass out these career aptitude tests." Every student begins groaning at the thought of this. The teacher then throws the papers into the air with a smile on his face.

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