Chapter 5:An unexpected occurrence

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  Izuku stands on top of a roof,staring at U.A. in the distance. A lot has changed in the months since we last saw Izuku. His hair is slightly longer then before,reaching down to his shoulders. He has also gotten slightly taller,standing at a height of 5'9". He has also added some armor to his attire. Not enough of it to weigh him down in any way,but enough so that he is protected.

  The final change that happened was also the most notable.

  A mask had formed over his face

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  A mask had formed over his face. This initially caused Izuku great concern,but after a few minutes of nothing happening,he took it in stride and continued on with his day. Something Izuku had noticed after the mask appeared was that he was almost always hungry. Even after eating an entire buffet out of business,he still felt hungry. The feeling was less noticeable then before,but it was still there. He kept eating until he had spent nearly all the money he had obtained(all legally I assure you). He had eaten 10 buffets worth of food,and only then did the feeling of hunger finally dissipate.

  Back to the present,Izuku watched as children dressed in their school uniforms walk into the building. Today was the day of the entrance exams and he was going to participate(even if nobody but him knew it). He shunpos off the roof and lands in the shadow of the U.A. building. He then proceeds to sneak into the testing building. He was internally shocked at how easy it was turning out to be. He then shook his head. Nothing is ever easy for him.

  "I would ask what you're doing,but I have a feeling I won't get an answer." Izuku lifts his head to see Eraserhead staring at him,arms crossed with a stern expression on his face. Izuku simply scoffs before following Eraserhead. "If you must know,I was going to participate in the practical exam." Eraserhead looks at the vigilante he's come to know over the past few months,and gives an intrigued look,urging Izuku to continue. Izuku sighs before speaking. "I figured that U.A. would have a difficult exam set up to test the future generation of heros,so I wanted to test my skills and see how strong I've become." Eraserhead shakes his head and sighs as he turns towards Izuku.

  "I still don't understand why you're so obsessed with getting stronger. If you can't defeat an opponent by yourself,you get your allies to help you. It isn't a bad thing to admit you need help,it's natural for humans." Izuku gives a slight frown and mutters to himself. "I'm not human." Eraserhead and Izuku continue walking until they reach an observation room. Eraserhead beckons Izuku in as he walks in. Every other hero in the room stares at the vigilante who just walked in with wide eyes. Izuku simply waves nonchalantly.

  He is stopped by none other then Nezu himself. "Ah,it would seem we have a guest. Nice to meet you in person,Midori no senshi." Izuku nods at Nezu. Nezu continues speaking while the heros besides Aizawa are staring at Nezu in shock. Nezu shakes his head before turning towards Present Mic. "I believe it is time for the exam to start. Shouldn't you be doing your job right about now?" Mic's eyes widen before he dashes off to do what he was supposed to do.

  Nezu then turns towards Izuku once again. "I wasn't aware we would be having any guests." Izuku stares at Nezu for a bit before speaking. "I wasn't aware I would be one." As Izuku was walking through the room,each hero stared at him with no small amount of confusion present on their faces. This man Aizawa brought in was a vigilante,someone he was supposed to capture and turn in to the police. What was he doing in the observation room?

  Nobody gets the chance to ask any of the many questions they have. The exams have begun,and everyone starts observing the students. Izuku looks at one of the screens present and sees a blue haired boy with what seem to be pipes coming out of his legs kicking villain robots in the face. Izuku looks closer and realizes that the pipes are extremely similar to the exhaust pipes you would find on a car. He looks at another screen and sees a brown haired girl sending robots up into the air after touching them,then sending them crashing into the ground.

  He looks at another screen and sees a face he wishes he could forget. "Bakugo." Most of the teachers in the room look at the vigilante when he speaks,his voice coming out in a growl,the rage almost tangible. Before anyone could open their mouths to question Izuku,Aizawa raises his hand and shakes his head. "Don't ask him. The last time I asked him anything personal led into the worst week of my life."  Everyone looked towards Izuku to see him with a face that promised punishment for anyone he felt deserved it. At the moment that look was aimed directly at Bakugo.

  The exam went on for a while,examinees destroying robots,some helping others along the way. After a few more minutes pass,Nezu walks towards a big red button. Junsuina speaks up. "I'd prepare for something big Izuku,Nezu has a flair for the dramatic." Izuku nods slightly in response,not trusting himself to not speak out loud in the present moment. As Nezu pushes the button,Izuku is...slightly underwhelmed by the giant robot that appears.

  It was still surprising,but Izuku had faced hollows that could swallow him whole before,this wasn't anything special. Izuku takes note of all the students running and scoffs. "Cowards. If they're running from a robot they know won't harm them,how are they supposed to handle fighting villains who won't hesitate to go for the kill? I'm disappointed. If this is the future generation of heros,we're all fucked." Each teacher has a different reaction to Izuku's words. Some nod their heads in agreement,others grimace at the harsh truth. Izuku looks at a screen and curses. "You've gotta be fucking with me."

  As soon as he finishes his sentence,he runs out of the room towards the testing ground. Everyone present stares in the direction Izuku ran before turning towards the screen he was looking at. They see the same brown haired girl from earlier stuck under some rubble. None of the students running by seemed to notice her however,as they were too focused on getting out as fast as possible. Izuku pushes through the crowd running the opposite way until he decides this is taking too long,and puts some of his vigilante skills to use.

  He jumps on top of one of the remaining buildings and makes his way  towards the robot. As he runs he pulled his zanpakuto from its sheath and jumped. When he reached the apex of his jump,he started spinning. Slowly at first,but he quickly sped up until he was a tornado of green. As he fell, he angled his body so he could maximize the damage done. The moment Junsuina made contact with the robot,it cut through like a hot knife through butter.

  He then used shunpo to prevent any debris from hitting any examinees. Every one of the examinees present were staring at Izuku in shock. He took down the zero pointer like it was nothing! Izuku turns towards the observation room where he knows the teachers are watching,and gives a thumbs up. He then shunpos off into the distance.

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