William Cuts and Henry Punishes him

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William was depressed,He felt Bad about himself. So he started to cut himself. William woke up at 4:30 am and went to the bathroom,taking out a razor blade and cut himself. Glitchtrap heard William get up,So he decided to check on him. Glitchtrap Teleported into the bathroom and said"William Mitchell Afton"! William said"Glitchy"?! Glitchtrap said"You're in Trouble,Mister. I'm telling Henry". William said"Pls Don't tell Daddy"! Glitchtrap said"Well,Since it's 4 in the morning I won't tell him right now. Just get to Bed Mister". William nodded and went to Bed. Later,8:00 am. Henry said"He,what"?! Glitchtrap said"He cut himself with a Razor blade". Henry said"After Breakfast I'll deal with him". William wouldn't eat. Glitchtrap said"William Mitchell,You need to eat". William said"Don't wanna"! Glitchtrap said"Fine,I'll glitch it into your stomach". William said"No! You do that I'll pull your Ear"! Glitchtrap said"Then pls eat,Baby brother". William said"Fine". Henry said"Good Morning Will,After breakfast I'd like to talk to you". William said"Ok. I'm gonna go to the bathroom". William went to the bathroom and Locked the door,Taking out a small dagger and began cutting. After he finished he put on his long-sleeved  purple hoodie.

Then walked out

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Then walked out. Henry said"William,Why are you wearing your hoodie"? William said"I-I j-Just want t-to". Henry went over to William and lifted the sleeve of William's oversized Hoodie. Henry said"William Mitchell Afton! Why would you cut yourself"! (AUTHOR'SNOTE:"Before He died William did Kill people but Not kids".) William said"Daddy,Let go". Henry said"No,We're having this discussion whether you want to or Not and you are getting a Punishment". William said"No! I don't wanna"! Henry said"William,You do not yell at me". William tried to get up,but Henry grabbed him. William said"D-Daddy? W-what are you d-doing"? Henry said"We're talking about this,there's no way around it William". William said"No"! Henry said"Will,pls calm down. I just wanna talk Baby boy". William calmed down and said"Ok". Henry said"That's my good boy,Now can you tell Daddy and Glitchy why you cut"? William said"I feel bad for what I've done before I died. I killed 10 people. I regret killing them so I started to cut so I could feel better". Henry said"Will,honey it's ok. Me and Glitchy love no matter what you did in the past. Trust me Baby,Me and Glitchy know how that feels but that's no reason to harm yourself sweetheart". William said"I'm sorry Daddy. Sorry Glitchy". Glitchtrap said"Just don't ever let me catch you doing it again. You Understand"? William nodded and said"Y-Yes Glitchy". Henry said"Will,I still need to Punish you for harming yourself". William said"Daddy,Pls don't". Henry said"Will,I need to do this so you Don't ever do this again". William said"No"!!! Glitchtrap said"If I do it I'll take off my belt". William said"N-No belt". Henry said"Then let Daddy do it Honey". William clutched his purple bunny as he went over Henry's lap. This is the Bunny:

William hid his face as he held his Bunny

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William hid his face as he held his Bunny. Henry brought down Will's shorts. Henry raised his hand and began spanking him. William was crying. William said"Daddy! Pls stop"! Hnery said"I don't you've learned your lesson sweetpea". Henry began spanking harder. William was sobbing and Clutching his bunny. Henry said"Almost Done kiddo". Henry gave him the last 16 smacks then let him up,Hugging him. Henry said"Shh,Shh My sweet baby boy". William said"I'm Sorry Daddy". Henry said"It alright sweetheart,I love you so Much and I don't like seeing you hurt yourself Baby boy. So Promise me sweetheart,You won't ever hurt yourself again". William said"I promise Daddy". Henry said"Good. How about we watch cartoons"? William nodded Glitchtrap Teleported and said"Can I join you guys"? Henry said"Of course glitch". LATER.... William had wet himself. Henry said"Oh honey it's ok,You can't help it". Glitchtrap said"Here's the Diaper". Hnery said"It's a Pull-up,says so on the box. William doesn't like calling it a diaper". After Changing William... Henry and William where back in the Living room with Glitchtrap. Soon,All 3 of them where asleep on the couch,cuddled up with each other. William of course had his Pacifier and Bunny.

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