William's bad Day

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William woke up with an Attitude this morning. William said"Glitchy! Why isn't Daddy here"?! Glitch said"Will,he's working in his office. He's busy right now and drop the Attitude Little Boy". William said"Ok Glitchy. I'm hungry". Glitchtrap made waffles for himself and William. William said"Glitchy I wanna see Daddy". Glitch said"Maybe later when he's done working Buddy". William said"Ok Glitchy". After Breakfast,Glitch told William to clean up his and Hnery's room. William said"No,Glitchy"! Glitch smacked Will's bottom twice and said"Do not tell me No little boy. Now clean up or I put you over my Knee". William said"No! I don't wanna"! Glitch said"William Mitchell Afton! You will not raise your voice at me". William sat down on the bed,crossing his arms. Glitch said"If you don't get up this second Little boy you're gonna be over my knee". William said"Fine"! Glitch smacked Will's bottom and said"Stop with the Attitude Will". Later,Henry had Finished his Work. William wasn't listening to brother. Henry saw them fighting. Glitch said"William Mitchell! Put those down right Now"!! Henry said"Ahem,What is going on here"? Glitch said"Ask your Kid,he's been so moody lately and won't listen to Me". Henry said"William,put those down. Now"! William put the knives and forks back. Henry said"Glitch,would you Punish him"? Glitchtrap said"Sure,He's been a brat today". William said"Daddy,Glitchy's gonna use the belt. Can't you do it"? Henry said"Glitch was the one watching you so he gets to spank you". Henry said"I'll be in here,ok? Just in case you need me". Glitch Teleported himself and William into the living room. Glitchtrap sat down on the couch and said"Come here Will". William said"Glitchy,pls I don't wanna get spanked"... Glitch said"William,You're the one who wouldn't listen to Me. Now over my lap". William was defiant and didn't do it. Glitch grabbed Will's wrist and pulled William over his lap. Glitch took off his belt. William said"No! Pls Don't Glitchy"! Glitch said"Your scared. Why"? William said"Father used to beat me with a Belt"! Glitch said"This is different kiddo,I'm only using it for a Spanking". William said"Ok Glitchy". Glitch had pulled down William's pants and began whipping him. William was crying alot. Glitch gave a Pacifier (Look at the picture)and said"Maybe that'll help and your bunny". Glitch Teleported the bunny to William. William clutched his bunny tight. Glitch resumed the whipping. William was sobbing. Glitch said"Are you gonna be good and Listen to me when Daddy's Busy"?! William took out the Pacifier and said"Yes Glitchy I promise"! Glitch laid down the last 10 whips then let Will up. Glitch brought him into a hug. Henry came into the living room and said"Hey Baby boy". William said"Daddy". Glitch said"Hey Willy,Are you Big or Little right now"? William said"L-Little Glitchy". Glitchtrap picked him up and said"Did you learn your lesson about Listening to me"? William nodded said"Sowwy Glitchy". Glitch said"It's ok kiddo. Do wanna ride on your tricycle"? William nodded. Glitch Teleported Will's tricycle to the Playroom.

William said"Daddy,Cans me and Glitchy go outside"? Henry said"Not today baby boy,It's raining"

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William said"Daddy,Cans me and Glitchy go outside"? Henry said"Not today baby boy,It's raining". William said"Ok. Maybe's Tomorrow if no rain"? Henry said"Sure Honey". Glitch said"Will,Do want a Lollipop"? William nodded. Henry threw the lollipop to Glitch. Glitch unwrapped the Lollipop and gave it to William. William said"Thanks Glitchy". William ate the Lollipop in one bite. Glitch said"Will,Do you Remember who I really am"? William said"You're Vinny,My favorite older brother". Glitchtrap turned into his Human form. William said"Can you stay like that and do you still habe  your powers"? Vincent said"Yes Kiddo,I still have my powers". Hnery said"Hey V,Mind helping me make Lunch"? William said"Vinny,Pway wif me's" Henry said"How bout Daddy puts in your Highchair and you can watch Vinny's tablet". William said"Ok Daddy". Henry picked him up and carried William into the Kitchen,putting William into his Highchair. William said"Tablet pwese"? Vincent gave William his tablet,putting it on SpongeBob. William said"T'anks Brofer". Vincent said"Your welcome Baby brother". Vincent and Henry finished making lunch. William wouldn't eat his lunch. Henry was trying to feed him. Henry said"Pls eat Baby boy". William said"Nwo"... Vincent said"Let me try,when he was a Baby I could Always get him to eat". Henry said"Ok". Henry gave Will's food to Vincent. Vincent said"Look at me Bunny". William looked at his brother. Vincent said"Here comes the airplane. Zoom". William at the food. Henry said"Wow,you're great at that". Vincent said"I took care of him when I was kid,Well up until I died". Henry said"How did you die"? William said"Our father K-Killed him". Vincent said"Shh,Willy it's ok". William said"Vinny,up pls"? Vincent unbuckled William from the Highchair and picked him. William noticed he had an Accident and started to cry and squirm. Vincent saw the wet spot on Will's pants and said"Oh Bunny,it's ok. Let's get you cleaned up". Vincent carried William upstairs to the Nursery. Vincent layed him onto the changing table,removing his wet pants and underwear. Vincent said"I got some New Pull-ups for you,that are more for boys". This is what William is wearing:

 This is what William is wearing:

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Vincent said"Aw,Bunny you look adorable"

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Vincent said"Aw,Bunny you look adorable". William said"Up,Up"! Vincent picked him up off the Changing Table. Vincent said"My little Bunny,You know I love your snuggles". William said"I luv 'ou Big Brofer". Vincent said"I love you too Baby brother". Soon,Both Aftons where asleep. William in Vincent's lap while Vincet was on the rocking chair. While Henry was fast asleep downstairs. It may have not been a good Afternoon but it was better after Lunch.

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