the club

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At first it wasn't too bad. Holly's eyes adjusted to the unnatural toing and froing of the beams of coloured lights that surrounded her. The only sign of something wrong was one of her trademark headaches. But everyone was complaining of a headache, so she dismissed the thought.

In another lifetime, Holly might have enjoyed the experience. All her favourite songs were playing. She was surrounded by her friends. They were dancing the night away.

But, unfortunately, that couldn't be the case for Holly.

With every pulse of light, a jolt rang through her neurons. Some jolts just increased her migraine, but others... well they can only be described as locking her out of her own brain.

After about thirty minutes, Holly was practically a zombie. She didn't know what was happening. She didn't know where she was. If someone was to ask her her name, it would take a good five minutes for her to recall it.

Her friends thought it was funny. Maybe that's because they had all had a couple of drinks, and thought Holly had too.

Maybe that's why they didn't notice when she finally collapsed to the ground, limbs jerking as sporadically as the strobe lighting.

Maybe that's why they didn't notice that she had been on the ground for an unusually long time after the jerks stopped.

Maybe that's why they didn't notice her chest stopping moving up and down.

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