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Isn't it ironic that the ones the most to blame weep the most?

Well maybe you can excuse her friends. They didn't know that seizures can kill.

Why? Why didn't she tell us? They thought to themselves for months after. Strangely, they couldn't seem to recall Holly telling them she didn't want to go.

At school, and in the local news, Holly's death was made out as an unfortunate tradegy. But tragedy implies it was unexpected. Everyone knew Holly had seizures and that strobes triggered them. So surely this was something to be expected?

A few people blamed Holly.

Yes, it's true she could have prevented her death by being more forceful. But she was a teenager. A teenager who had already sacrificed so much of her life and opportunities to stigma. She just wanted one chance to be free.

And what would have happened if she never went?

Would she have lost friends? Would she have finally been able to get a job after school? Would she be dependent on her parents forever?

Perhaps she could have achieved everything she wanted.

But perhaps her death made others less ignorant of the dangers of her condition.

Perhaps her death prevented the needless deaths of others.

Or maybe the world will keep telling people their limits. Instead of letting them dictate their own.

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