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       SuA and Dami what you would call the modern day Ying and Yang in all aspects of life. SuA a hybrid, her mother being a witch and father a vampire. SuA revolved herself in her community that her parents built. She was selfless, beautiful, strong and nurturing. Everything her mother and father raised her to be. Then, we have Dami a fearless maiden and new pack leader of the Red Sun Pack. Dami was raised in a two parent household but they had a slightly different upbringing. Since the age of 7 they could tell that she was not like the others. Dami showed a very strong attraction to the same gender rather than a male. Other kids at that age would play around saying they have a "boyfriend" but she preferred to find the prettiest girl and mark her claim. 

     Her parents could not tolerate it as the years progressed and by the age of 15 Dami was forced to go on little dates with guys within the pack. To try to get some type of spark going. But nothing happened. Dami grew up being the woman that men lusted over but she was your best friend at the same time. Females would envy her because she could gel right in with the guys in a non-sexual way. Little do people know Dami would like to have the life that all her friends do, they can enjoy hanging out but going to find their mate. She just wanted love. Hopefully the time would come where she'd find her mate since her 21st birthday is approaching but who knows. 

 -Dami POV-        

  Finishing up some training with her Beta Hyunsoo when she heard the annoying click of heels making her roll her eyes.

"Honey! My little pup I am here with some news~" Dami's mom Subin came trotting down the step happily. 

   Hyunsoo snickered knowing anytime that her mom said that it was something Dami would automatically reject. She swore up and down she was her "love coach". 

"Hi to you too mom, who is the lucky victim this time?" she asked giving her a big smile.

  Subin rolled her eyes, and her neck twitched knowing she was two seconds away from popping her in the forehead. 

"Well it is not a victim but there is something important your father and I need to talk about with you. Now and not a second later, this is news you'd definitely want to hear." she said turning around and going up the steps.

  Dami could try and hide her composure all she wanted but there were butterflies in her stomach that did not give her a good feeling. Turning back to Hyunsoo she mouthed "5 minutes". That meant if she blew up he needed to run and diffuse. 
    Grabbing a towel she walked up the steps into her living room and saw her father with a stoic expression and a file in his hand. 

"Father what is going on?" she asked nervously.

"Well love bug its about time we talk about something we have kept hidden from you since birth." he said not breaking eye contact with her.

"Mom will start, well about 23 years ago there was a war between all super naturals beings. The vampires, and witches fought against werewolves and faeries. The reason? There was a mole who had been running around giving false information putting all of us at arms. In order for us to end the war without wiping one another's entire faction we had to make a treaty." Subin looked guilty putting her head down not wanting to finish.

"W-what was in this treaty mom? Dad why is she not talking?!" Dami asked getting irritated.

"Well Dami the treaty was as followed, each faction's heir would have a arranged marriage by their 21st birthday. The thing is, the leaders of the vampires and witches ended up being mates and now have a child the same age as you. A representative of their clan reached out to us yesterday to see if we were ready to set up a formal ball to introduce the new couple. We accepted. Honey I am so sorry, but we need to do this not only for us but for OUR people. "Dami's dad said patting her hand lightly.

"I can't believe you would do this! I get it, it's for our land but you KNOW I have no attraction towards men. I am not going to force myself into being with someone that when I look at them I will kill. Mom and Dad I will tell you now if we go to that ball and I get one wrong vibe. Dead on sight." Dami said running outside. 

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