His Obsession {Chen Smut}

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~ 1 Year Ago ~

    "Chen I can't keep doing this, living this life style is just not for me. You know this and I have told you time and time again but you think that if you finger me one time or kiss my neck shit is going to change and it's not. IF you say you love me like you do then you would make a choice. You either keep me and lets live a normal non public, BDSM, Dominant/Sub life style. Actually get married and start a family like we said we were going to do in High School. OR you stay in this bullshit fetish fantasy of yours and be single, you won't see me again and when I say it I mean that fucking shit." You said sick and tired of your fiancée.

Chen stared into space zoning out from the ultimatum that you gave him. You two have been high school sweet hearts ever since Freshman year. He was the light to your tunnel and he was yours. He was called an Asian cyclops due to his eye condition and you? You were bullied for being a plump young woman. When you found one another the world stopped and no matter what anyone said the love you two had was unstoppable. After Junior year things changed.

  "What more do you want from me? I am TRYING to do this whole vanilla bullshit but it's just not me and you know that. I can't help that I want to take my belt and give you ten lashings just because you didn't come on home on time! I can't help the fact that I enjoy seeing your tear stained face know damn well that pussy is wet for me once I slip two fingers between those lips. Do you understand the thrill I get from that?! No, you don't because you want this fairy tale, whit picket fence romper room fuckery! SO if it's that important then get your shit and get the fuck out of my apartment and NEVER come back." Chen said having you gripped by your arms screaming in your face.

  All you could do in that moment once he eased up was back hand him with all of the anger you had built up inside of you. The fact that for years and years everything you thought would happen once you both got older would be a complete lie shattered you. Turning his head he looked at you and wiped the little speck of blood from his lip. Getting a back bone you walked away from him, grabbing your keys off the counter you ran out the door not looking back.

  As you drove to your best friend's house all of your emotions broke like water from a dam. You couldn't contain the rage, heartbreak and betrayal you felt. As much as you tried to compromise and be in his world it just wasn't you. Making it to your best friend's house you knocked on the door and the moment she saw you all you could do is crumble to your knees.

~ Present Time ~

   It's been one year and you haven't been the same. The heart that was once warm and caring is now cold. You have seen your ex all over tabloids and magazines promoting with bitches left and right, not caring what paparazzi saw him fucking the slut in public. You were more than happy you got out when you did. Now you have your Master's degree and you are currently working as a Community Counselor for adolescent teens dealing with issues at home or at school. You have been very successful in what you do traveling from county to county in California sharing your message and guidance to hundreds.

    As you were wrapping up your busy schedule your general manager Yeon Hee Kim (stan Rocket Punch) called you from the main office hub is Los Angeles to come in for a quick meeting. Luckily for you, you were just finishing up with a small group of girls at a group home. Making the drive back your mind raced with that could be the reason for something so sudden. Everyday you did your job not looking for praise.

  Making it to the office in 15 minutes time you were making your way to the small office entrance fixing your electric blue blazer. Opening the doors Yeon Hee waved you office to her desk.

"So Y/N I am so sorry for calling you so suddenly but I just couldn't contain myself! Are you ready?" She asked bouncing up and down.

"I-I guess I am. From what it looks like it will be wonderful news. Are we getting a bigger office?" You joked light heartedly.

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