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Many great books in the Hindu religion shed light on this topic

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Many great books in the Hindu religion shed light on this topic. Many things related to the afterlife are mentioned in these books. 

In Bhagavad Gita, it is written

In Bhagavad Gita, it is written

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(Bg 2.22)
At the time of death, the spirit soul leaves the gross body, along with the subtle body (astral body-mind, intelligence and false ego), and is "born again" into the womb of a female body according to the law of karma (either immediately or after some time).

One's next birth is determined by one's consciousness at the time of death (yam vapi smaran Bhavan...Bg 8.6) because everything we do or think in our present life leaves an impression in the mind, and the summary of these impressions influences our consciousness at the time of death.

Bhagvat Geeta says It is important to understand that one may have to accept any type of body after leaving one's human body. If one's human existence is without the cultivation of spiritual knowledge one has to enter lower forms of life.

What happens immediately after death? This answer is also given in Gita 15.8 which says,

It's said that our body is mortal

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It's said that our body is mortal. After death, we only take our subconscious mind to another body. 

Garuda Purana :

Lord Vishnu Says To Garuda :

Lord Vishnu Says To Garuda :

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