Chapter 5

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"Do you want to talk about it?" Brendon asked me as Dallon rubbed my back. I nodded. "I want to sleep. I'm just so tired, but I'm scared to. Every time I sleep I have bad dreams." I told them. "What are the dreams about?" Brendon asked me. "Anything that has happened in my past. It's either about the abuse, or the suicide, or the accident. It just makes me think I'm reliving it and it scares me." I explained.there was silence. I had nothing else; nothing good, anyway. "Are you up to watch tonight's show?" Zack asked me. I nodded. "Well the show is about to start and we need to head backstage. Just come with Zack whenever you're ready." Dan said.

The four left the bus, but Zack was still with me. I went to my suitcase and got a sweatshirt. I put it on over the t-shirt I was wearing. I got my phone from my bunk and went into the venue with Zack. Everyone who was there with me earlier was still there. "She came back!" Joe exclaimed. "Feeling better after the nap?" Josh asked me. I nodded. "She's still quiet." Tyler said. "Panic, you're on in five.

"Charlie, do you want to come backstage to watch?" Zack asked. I nodded and followed Zack backstage before Panic went on stage. It wasn't long before the Panic dudes and a bunch of other people came and walked toward the stage door. I didn't see Zack move so I stayed where I was. By me staying where I was ended me up in getting run over by a bunch of people. There were so many. I got pushed into a wall by the crowd of people. There were too many people. I sat against the wall. It got so loud. I couldn't make out what anyone was saying, I just heard noise. I pulled my knees into my chest and started breathing heavily. All I could hear was noise.

It was a couple of minutes before I finally made out what someone was saying. "Charlie. It's Patrick. You're okay. Just listen to my voice. Take deep breaths with me." Pat instructed. I looked up at him crying, but still took some breaths. "Good, now let's get to an area where you can watch the show, but still accessible for people to get through." He said. Patrick helped me up and we moved to a more accessible area to help everyone out. I just focused on what Panic was doing on stage. "So yesterday we met an amazing girl. Her name is Charlie. I think she needs to be introduced to all of you amazing people because I also want to make a public announcement about her and she needs to be with me when I tell her and everyone else." Brendon said in the microphone

One of the stage hands took me out on stage to Brendon. "So, Charlie. Everyone in Panic has taken a strong liking to you. You've made the biggest impact on me. So, Charlie, Sarah and I are going to adopt you." He said to me in the microphone. Everyone started screaming. I just stopped dead in my tracks. I really wish he had told me before he told the whole world. I ran off stage. I needed some air, but I couldn't find the exit. Zack and two other people ran after me. I just wanted some air. "Charlie, stop. We can talk about this." I heard Brendon call out. "I don't want to talk about it!" I yelled. In the background I heard Fall Out Boy starting to play their set. "Brendon, just give us a minute." Tyler said. I didn't even notice he was standing at my side. Zack led Brendon to walk the other direction.

Once they were away Tyler and I talked. "What's up?" Tyler asked casually. "I wish that he would've told me before announcing that to the whole entire world." I said. "I get it but that's totally on him. I'll definitely have a conversation with him to let him know how it made you feel. He definitely shouldn't have done it without your permission first, though. I understand." Tyler said comfortingly. "You don't understand! Nobody ever has or ever will understand!" I yell before running out of the room. I finally found the exit. I ran out and shoved past a bunch of security who were there. Kenny, Dallon, Brendon, Dan and Zack instantly started blowing up my phone wanting to know where I went. I just silenced it and kept running. I found an alley that was well lit so I went down there.

I layed down on the ground and read my texts. Brendon wanted me to send him my location, Dallon just wanted me to let him know I was okay, Zack threatened to send security out to find me, Kenny was guilt tripping me telling me how worried everyone was about me, and Dan was asking me to make the choice to come back on my own. I lay there crying for a bit. At first it was soft crying, then it got really heavy. I ruined their lives. I was just a burden to them.

I was there for about an hour before Zack, Dallon, Kenny, Patrick, Joe and two security found me. I was still crying. When I saw them I got up and started moving away from them. "Charlie, please come back with us." Patrick said. "No. Just leave me alone. All of your lives were better before you met me." I said fairly loud. "Charlie. You're the best thing that has ever happened to us on a tour. We all love and care about you and want to make sure you are safe. Please come back with us." Dallon said. I noticed he got closer to me as he said that. I got so scared I ran again. Two of the security got on either side of me and held each of my arms so that I couldn't escape. "Please just let me go!" I begged. Dallon knelt down in front of me. "Why don't you want to be with us?" He asked me. Tears were streaming down my face as I said, "I'm making all of your lives miserable." "No you aren't. We just don't know how to help you yet. If you talk to us that will help us help you. You've just gotta talk, kiddo." He said. "Really?" I asked. "Really." He assured me while nodding. "Now are you ready to walk back?" Dallon asked. "I just want to walk back with you, not everyone." I said. "You won't run, right?" He asked. "I won't." I told him. Everyone looked at him and he nodded to let them know they were okay to leave us, but we stayed close enough to everyone so that we could still see everyone. We walk in silence for a bit. I didn't realize how far I had gotten. "Please try to give Brendon and Sarah a chance." Dallon said as we were nearing the bus. I didn't say anything, I just went straight to my bunk and layed there. It was late so I fell asleep.

Adopted By Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now