Loyalties Lie

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Eliza pushed off her back foot and zoomed forward faster than Kevin would like to admit he was used too. Eliza cloaked herself in spiritual energy and her hair stood on end, Kevin was shocked (hehe..you..you see what I did there?)

"What?" Kevin said bewildered Her spiritual energy, why does it look like mine? Kevin asked himself narrowly avoiding a roundhouse kick. He then delivered a leg sweep of his own catching Eliza off-guard. Swiftly she caught her composure and used her hands to cartwheel back to her feet. It's because the spirit inhabiting her is more or less my grandaughter, a spirit I created named Yundara created another spirit based off the idea of me. Behold!  Waitun said with excitement Weghyo the Spirit of  Lightning. Kevin looked at Eliza in shock but shook it off to trash talk.

"Pretty good Liz, but I'm different now" Kevin began to hop from foot to foot with his hands up getting into his boxing groove, he threw six swift punches in the air then advanced forward. He entered his awakening then went into attack mode, he jabbed with his left hand three times to which Eliza slipped his punches off of her shoulders. Eliza then thrust her right elbow upward to which Kevin weaved to his right. The two began throwing multiples of combinations that they both either dodged or blocked, Kevin jumped back to get some distance between them. Kevin took a deep breath and let it out So.....This is your grandaughter? How does it feel to fight her?  Kevin asked. There was a pause before Waitun replied It's exciting, I feel an odd sense of pride......It's odd considering the characteristic I was created from he said. Kevin focused on Eliza again 

"You see, I'm totally different from when we were little" Eliza started to stretch again

"No shit, you are a bit more annoying than before aren't you?" Kevin made a face.

"Bitch" He said, then he poked his tongue out. Eliza flipped him off

"What you gonna do huh?" her smile seemed to light up along with her eyes as her red electricity became violent. Kevin's heart sped up and his smile started to show too

"Maybe you should come find out" he said making his electricity rage. Eliza and him both shot forward with a sudden flash of lightning, the aqua blue and crimson red lightning clashed into each other creating a lightshow for many to see for miles. The two then flew into the air circling one another and clashing every few seconds with the clashes happening more frequently the further they went up. Kevin was filled with the adrenaline of battle like when Waitun fell asleep and let Kevin run loose on the others. Eliza seemed to have the same high as Kevin because, she also was smiling and laughing as the fight went on. The two picked up more speed and began clashes faster in the sky creating sonic booms in multiple areas in the sky. Greg was still sipping his tea as he watched from the rock garden below

"I wonder how much power these two posess?" He asked himself. Greg then heard footsteps walking towards him, Gabriel was holding his head.

"Uhhh, where the fuck is that dumb...." Gabriel stopped when he saw the hole in the side of the house. "What the hell happened here?" Gabriel then diverted his attention to the sky where Kevin and Eliza were having the time of their life fighting. Gabriel shook his head

"I'm guessing that's your daughter Elizabeth?" Gabriel asked. Greg nodded

"Indeed she is" Gabriel nodded

"What's the story between these two" Gabriel asked as he saw another flash in the sky, Greg laughed to himself

"Ahhhh yes, where to begin? Kevin was my student, a rambunctious boy with a cocky attitude. His only other combative art was boxing, so an adjustment to Karate really challenged him. My daughter was a star student and a few years ahead of him skill wise, so when he would come to my house after class Elizabeth and him would butt heads a lot." Gabriel nodded, then looked up at the fight again. Greg sipped his tea again

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