Shadow Work

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Wayne glared at Julian with a look of pure annoyance

"I suppose I should be a good uncle and not tell your father about this" he said with almost no enthusiasm. Julian scrunched up his nose and took a deep breath 

"I guess I should've expected you to be a bit trickier to get rid of" Julian sighed again "You original spirits are so annoying" he said rubbing his forehead. Wayne began to circle him as he thought Water that can reflect light of any kind and attack me.....That is interesting but, if my fight with Kevin tells me anything it means that I have grown in strength. I can overpower him if need be. Julian summoned his water dagger and looked seriously at Wayne

"You never answered my question" he said, "Why would a spirit team up with demons, I have my own reasons for wanting my father dead but; teaming up with demons is just wrong" he said. Wayne scowled

"You all act like we're some privileged race above them, we are just as nasty and vile as they are" Wayne spat, "The lines are starting to blur, someday we'll begin asking ourselves who are the real demons here" Wayne looked past Julian as he said that getting lost in his own philosophical inference. Julian nodded 

"I know we aren't the best, hell; there's probably a spirit out there based off of the idea of rape running around here" Julian's smile dissipated "Even still, if we aren't here to protect some of these stupid humans who else will?" Wayne rolled his eyes 

"Who the fuck cares" he replied, Julian was taken aback by his response for a second but soon his grimace returned 

"I guess that's my answer then" he said, lunging forward he swung his dagger in Wayne's direction instantly firing hundreds of small water droplets at him. Caught off-guard Wayne covered his arms in shadows before the volley of water droplets hit him causing a huge flash of light followed by an explosion. The force pushed Wayne back into a building displacing bricks and rocking the foundation, he put his guard down slowly That was close, I can't let his water touch me....even with my shadows protecting I still took damage. Wayne looked in Julian's direction to see him walking through the debris. I can't always stretch my body to dodge him, it takes pinpoint accuracy and split second math on my part. Wayne made a face If I can get close enough to encase him inside of my orb maybe I can end this. Julian walked slowly with a condescending smile

"Is that all it took to make you realize how much trouble you're in?" He asked, Wayne eyed him as he slunk back into the shadows. "Retreating huh? I don't much blame you, I'd run from me too" Julian then gathered a few orbs of water in his hand "Too bad there's nowhere to run" Julian tossed the water orbs into the air and then let them detonate washing over the whole area with blinding light. The exact light that injured Wayne earlier, quickly he jumped into the window of a building to shield himself from the attack. The tsunami of light washed over the area shaking the building as Wayne stumbled onto a kitchen table with scattered plates and utensils. How the hell can I even get close enough to start my attack? Wayne thought, A loud crash snapped him out of his thoughts "Where did you sneak off too?" Julian asked as he destroyed a car "Not here either huh?" he glanced at a random house then blew it up next "I will level this whole neighborhood until I find you" he yelled. Wayne peeped out of the window and sighed 

"This is getting me nowhere" Wayne then thought of a risky plan If I can make my orb larger than the last one the impact might very well kill him. Wayne, thought a moment longer then began to concentrate. The shadows around him began to dance and sway as they began to fill with life, an uncanny sentience befell them as they began to crawl and scurry outside of the house connecting with others and growing in size. Wayne also opened his mouth to allow the darkness within him to slowly creep out to make his dome of dark shadows. Before long all of the shadows in neighborhood were slowly combining and rising up into the sky creating a dome like structure of shadows . Julian kept blowing up houses unaware of the dome encircling the area, it was night so seeing any of the shadows moving would be hard. That exact fact was what Wayne was hoping would happen, he was steadying his spiritual energy keeping it a constant flow. All he needed was just a little more time before the dome was complete, Wayne took another deep breath when he heard an explosion just behind him. He held his breath waiting on Julian to go past him

"There you are" An elated voice said behind him. Wayne frowned as he slowly got up and faced Julian. he had destroyed a wall in the house Wayne was hiding in "Any last words Uncle" Julian asked with his dagger pointed at him. Wayne looked at Julian with a straight almost cold emotionless face. "Yeah.........." he showed Julian his palm and uttered one word "Implode". Forcefully Wayne squeezed his hand into a fist causing wind and pure catastrophic power to hurtle in their direction from all sides at 784 miles per hour. Wayne had successfully activated his dome and then made it implode on itself, since this one was 10 times larger than the one he put Kevin the force was also multiplied as well. The force of the implosion was the equivalent of an atomic bomb, and mirrored many of its effects. As the smoke and debris began to clear Wayne stepped out of a shadow and sighed 

"I wasn't sure that was going to work" He then looked around "Wow, I have gotten alot stronger" he said. While he looked around he then noticed a black figure on the ground, getting curious he walked over and saw what was left of Julian. A skeleton, A blackened skeleton was all that remained of him. Wayne knelt down and observed him "Hmmmmmm, I feel like " As Wayne reached out his hand the skeleton moved as if controlled by Wayne's movements. his eyes widened as a plethora of thoughts ran through his mind. Meanwhile back in Africa the others were fast away trying to learn the techniques of the scrolls, Kevin was working on his speed and Ennui was getting help from Adrian on how to place here feet as she danced. It looked very awkward but, the more Ennui danced the more Greg noticed here feet began to have after images. She was getting the move down right before his very eyes It wasn't just a myth then, he thought to himself. Kevin sat down and yawned 

"I'm hungry as hell, when do we get some grub?" Greg shook his head 

"You won't get any until you can do the move on the scroll" Kevin whined "You don't love me is all I'm hearing" Adrian and Ennui laughed at Kevin but, off in the distance someone else was watching them but he didn't have a smile on his face. Skea then put his hands in his hoodie and continue in the opposite direction. 

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