Family Reunion

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Meanwhile, in Africa, the boys were relaxing so they could enter a meditative state to talk to all of their spirits simultaneously. Madam Zari was lighting some incense to add to the relaxing mood, she felt a breeze hit her face from the side and immediately froze. Her heart began to accelerate and her blood went cold, she gulped and slowly looked over to her right. She laid her eyes on a caucasian man, with a Tai Chi outfit on and stubble on his face. He looked curiously at her but, eventually raised his finger to silence her. How the hell did he get past my barrier? She asked herself. He then walked forward to where the boys were relaxing, when he walked by her he whispered

"I'll extract my children before they even realize I'm here," he said with a smirk. Jiu then stopped to give Madam Zari a cold stare "Unless you wish to stop me" He whispered. Madam Zari couldn't even respond still stricken with fear. Seeing as she didn't utter a single word Jiu continued walking towards the boys. A tear left her eye How can I sit here and let this man attack them? She thought, Jiu was within arms distance of the boys when Madam Zari's dog ran out the back door barking and wagging his tail alerting the unaware boys. When the boys opened their eyes Jiu only looked at the dog instantly lacerating its body into many pieces. Kevin, Gabriel, and Adrian quickly entered their awakenings and stood beside each other ready to fight. Jiu raised opened his arms and smiled

"Hello my children," he said, suddenly all three boys felt weird and began to shake. When their eyes rolled back they were no longer in control of their body's, now their spirits were in charge. Azazel, Florian, and Waitun now stood before Jiu

"Father" They all replied in unison. Jiu looked at them and smiled again

"I see after all these years you all still haven't learned respect" Waitun scoffed

"Respect is only for those who deserve it, not those who demand it," He said with a smirk, Jiu's smile turned into a frown
"Waitun, the brashest of my young; I see your host is befitting of you," he remarked. Waitun shrugged

"Why do you care?" Jiu found a chair and sat down

"I care because it's been a while since I myself had a good fight" Azazel stepped forward

"The world isn't your plaything father, stop now and we can find a solution that doesn't involve harming anyone else" he pleaded. Jiu shook his head

"Azazel, the naïve one; you always thought with your emotions son. I don't expect you to understand, you only fight when you have to or when your emotions get the best of you" Jiu chuckled "That's exactly why I'm going to tell you the day I'll destroy what your humans know as the world, that's when you'll have to fight me with all of your strength or else everything your human loves is destroyed" he said. Azazel grimaced and heat began to radiate from him

"Don't push your luck father" Jiu pointed at him

"See, emotions going wild" Azazel got angrier but Florian put his hand on his brother's shoulder

"Azazel is more than his emotions, and Waitun is more than his brash behavior. We aren't just your creations!" Florian yelled Jiu chuckled

"Semasu, come talk sense into your brothers" Wayne then appeared beside Jiu with Michael. Wayne looked over at the other spirits briefly before shaking and losing control of Semasu. Semasu's horns grew on Wayne's head and his skeletal face formed over Wayne's. He looked up at his brothers and gave them a ghastly smirk
"You guys act all high and mighty but, will fail in the end," He said in a whispered voice "How about you all give up now so we can be a happy family again?" He asked sarcastically. Waitun clenched his fist

"You weak-minded idiot, father won't grant you what you wish. In the end, he's going to absorb us and connect with his other half. You have to be able to see that right?" Semasu stared at Waitun blankly

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