A Priceless Treasure Hidden Right Under Our Noses

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A Priceless Treasure Hidden Right Under Our Noses


Its meaning in the words of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam:

Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud Radiallahu Anhu narrated that, once, while in the company of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he uttered the words ‘Laa Hawla walaa Quwwata Illa Billah’. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam enquired, “Do you know what is the meaning and explanation (tafseer) of these words?” He replied, “Allah and His Rasul know best.” Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam explained,

لا حول عن معصية الله إلا بعصمة الله – “there is no ability (in anyone) to abstain from disobeying  Allah and sinning, except by the protection of Allah.

ولا قوة على طاعة الله إلا بعون الله - and there is no strength (in anyone) to obey Allah, except with the help of Allah.”(Musnadul Bazzaar, as quoted in Maj’mauz Zawaaid)

Moulana Abdul Ghani Phulpoori Rahmatullah Alaih has explained that although this statement is a jumlah-khabriyyah (a statement informing us of a certain matter), contained in these words is a jumlah-inshaaiyyah (in the form of a dua). We are therefore actually begging Allah, ‘O Allah, I ask You to grant me the ability to abstain from disobeying You and sinning by protecting me, and to grant me the strength to obey You by helping me’. 

(اي اسئلك الحول والقوة بعصمة الله وبعون الله العلي العظيم)(Condensed from Ma’rifate Ilaahiyyah)

Why was the request to be protected from sins brought first, followed by the request to become obedient?

Every sin results in the anger and wrath of Allah Ta’ala, whereas the ability to do good is only by the mercy and kindness of Allah Ta’ala (which cannot be attained if Allah Ta’ala is displeased). The causes for the wrath of Allah will have to be removed before His mercy can be acquired. (دفع غضبه مقدم على جلب رحمته)  (Condensed from Ma’rifate Ilaahiyyah)

Virtues of these words:

1) It is a treasure from the treasures of Jannah, (Sahihul Bukhari, Sahih Muslim) from beneath the Arsh (throne) of Allah (Mustadrak of Haakim), which is, in reality, the roof of Jannah.

Why has it been called a treasure of Jannah?

It has been called a treasure of Jannah for one of the following reasons:

a) It is similar to a treasure, as it is extremely valuable and will acquire for one many benefits- especially in Jannah, but was unknown to the people, till Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam presented it to the ummah.

b) It will change into the form of a treasure in Jannah and will belong to the reciter.

c) It will accumulate for a person a treasure of wealth and luxuries in Jannah.

d) It will acquire a treasure of great rewards in Jannah for its reciter.

e) In these words, one has negated any ability and strength stemming from his own being and has attributed all such ability and strength to Allah Ta’ala’s  protection and help, and is thereby seeking to attain this strength and ability from Allah Himself. He has therefore attached himself to those everlasting mercies of Allah Ta’ala which will protect him from sin and help him to obey Allah Ta’ala. Those mercies have here been called a treasure from the treasures of Jannah. These mercies of Allah will result in good actions (Al-Baaqiyaatus Saalihaat) which never come to an end, the rewards and fruits of which will remain with one in Jannah. (The first four reasons are mentioned in Mirqaatul Mafaateeh of Mulla Ali Qari and quoted in Kashkole Ma’rifat, and the last was mentioned by Moulana Abdul Ghani Phulpoori, as in Ma’rifate Ilaahiyyah)

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