Suspicion' in the view of Islam.

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‘Suspicion’ in the view of Islam.

A small event that took place in the life of the Prophet (pbuh) teaches the high civilization that each of us should follow.  That lofty civilization is the lesson that doubts and uncertain information should not spoil our peace and the peace of the next.

On one occasion the Prophet (pbuh) and his wife Sabiya (ra) said, ‘I went to meet the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) when they were in Itikaf during the last ten days of Ramadan.  I got up after talking to them for a while.  Then the Prophet (pbuh) also got up with me.  When I reached the entrance of the mosque near the door of Umm Salamah (RA), two of the Ansar (Medinans) passed us.  The Prophet (pbuh) said to them both Muhammad (pbuh).  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to them, 'Wait a minute, she (my wife) is Sabiya bint Huai.'  They were both amazed and said, ‘Allah is pure (SufhanAllah), O Messenger of Allah!  (We doubt ourselves!) ’  Then the Prophet (pbuh) said, ‘Surely Satan has penetrated the blood vessels of man.  I was afraid he would sow misconceptions in your hearts.(Source: Buhari)

Call the two companions and tell them that I am talking to my wonderful wife.  Unwanted repercussions, hoaxes, and trauma may have occurred.  Even if one of them told the Prophet (pbuh) that they were talking to a woman, that would be enough.  That is why the Prophet (pbuh) pinched it on the bud.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to them another time, ‘I warn you against suspecting the next without evidence.  Because suspicion is the biggest lie. (Source: Buhari)

How many people have lost their lives due to such doubts.  Just how many broken friendships.  How many divorced couples.  How many broken families.  So if you look at the veracity of the doubts most of the time everything would have been just speculation.  Nothing would have been true.  Suspicion in general is not prevented.  Rather they are prevented from being too skeptical and following all sorts of suspicions.

Suspicious of the next person for no reason or commenting on others, always starting with a false suspicion, or openly misjudging their position, showing that they are good and decent.  Similarly, when there is a possibility of good and evil in a man's words or deeds, it is sinful for us to regard him as evil on the basis of mere suspicion.

That is why the Qur'an, O you who believe, avoid much doubt.  Because, some doubts are sinful ’.  (Al Quran 49:12).

‘Once allowed (halal) is clear.  The prohibition (haram) is clear.  There is also skepticism between the two.  Most people do not know them.  So he who avoids the dubious is the one who preserves his religion and dignity.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: He who interferes with what is doubtful (interferes with what is not permitted)  (Source: Buhari)

So if someone says a message, do not immediately believe it.  Coastal inquiries into its authenticity.

Allah says, ‘O you who believe!  If an evil person brings you a message, investigate and clarify its truth.  You should not feel sorry for your actions after you have unknowingly harmed a crowd. '  (Al Quran 49: 6)

Through this verse a basic guidance has been given to the Muslims.  If you come up with something out of the ordinary, then they have to re-think their position.  That basis is to make sure what the real situation is before acting on the message he has given.

  That basis is to make sure what the real situation is before acting on the message he has given

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