Chapter 12

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I couldn't breathe, and had no idea how I had gotten up to my room.

Something didn't add up. Why did that seem so familiar?

***** ***** *****

"Agent A, it's been decided, but it will be done a little differently."

I nodded, my nerves on edge, "Yes, sir. What is the assignment?"

"­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Operation Clean up. That's all you're allowed to know. Get ready."

"But sir, that sounds dangerous?" I knew what they were planning, and I knew they were sending special agents like me. However, I only knew the code names of the agents being sent, the agents that I would be helping get through their mission safely.

From what I had understood from the file I had hacked, one of the agency's top secret ones, there would be multiple groups going, but only one group would carry out the final stage.

"What am I doing here? I don't belong. I can't do this, they could get hurt and it would be my fault. It would be on my conscience that they got hurt... it was one of the toughest assignments yet." I sighed, "No, I had signed up for this, they recruited me because they thought I was capable."

Little did I know that that night in Chicago would be my last... last everything.

***** ***** *****

"Adi," My trance was broken, "Adi, what are you doing? What's wrong?"

It was Nessiah, she had come into my room and was watching me carefully. I realized that I was shaking from the revelation and a tear had slipped down my face.

Quickly wiping my face, I forced a smile on my face, "What do you mean? Nothing, I just miss how things were before, that's all."

"Liar. What's on your mind, tell me."

"Well, it's just... Kasper confession bothered me." I said, "I'm fine, I promise."

She still looked unsure, but let it go, "Alright, tell me if you need anything."

"Wait!" I called as she was about to get up, "Can you do me a favor?"

"What is it?"

"But you can't tell anyone." I warned. She nodded, "Ok, can you help me find Shy's laptop?"


"Just please? Trust me on this, it's really important."

"But she might have taken it." She said reluctantly.

I shook my head, "She couldn't have, she was taken straight from the party, and she didn't have her laptop with her. She must have hid it 'cause I can't find it."

We made our way stealthily to Shy's room and began to quietly rummage through possible hiding spots.

"It's not here, Adi, leave it."

"I can't, I have to find it. Where would you hide something like this?"

"I don't know somewhere no one would think to look..." She guessed.

I thought about it, making my way towards the bed, "Help me look under here, please."

Nessiah helped me heave the mattress off the bed, but there was nothing there like I was hoping for.

"Ugh!" I kicked the mattress. But it wasn't soft like expected, no it made a faint thump noise of a foot hitting a hard object.

I shared a look with Nessiah, Of course!

We quickly shoved the sheets out of the way and searched for an opening in the mattress.

"There!" Nessie exclaimed. It was a small cut, neatly made and the perfect size to fit a laptop. I reached in, feeling the cool surface of Shy's laptop and drew it out.

Nessiah gave me an odd look, "You knew she was hiding something." It was a statement, not a question, "How did you know, what is this about?"

"I really don't know what this is about, I just had a hunch." I said guiltily, "Thanks, but you can't tell anyone. Okay?"

"Come on, we need to leave before one of the other girls finds us." Ness nods.

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I went back to my room, making sure that no one saw me and they were all asleep. I drummed my fingers on Shy's laptop, waiting for it to power up. When it came on, the password window was displayed on the screen, making me feel stupid for thinking that it would be that easy.

It wasn't a big problem really, but it will cost me 5 minutes to hack into it. I put in the computer codes, waiting for it to accept them so I could connect my laptop to Shy's laptop. The computer easily unlocked after about three minutes, faster than I expected, and I started to look for unusual encryptions or hidden files saved on the computer. I didn't find anything out of the ordinary that could be considered suspicious, just pictures and videos of us and her family.

Still unsure, I logged on to the internet, tracking her history. Again I turned up empty-handed.

"There's nothing there, you're just paranoid! Why would she hide anything this much? She's one of your best friends!" my mind nagged.

"Well then, why did she go through all this trouble just to hide a laptop with nothing in it?" The voice argued back.

I decided a final, deeper look wouldn't hurt, if there was really nothing than I should be happy. But as I searched deeper, I saw tiny traces of hidden sites, poorly concealed behind other more innocent sites. It looked as if someone was in a hurry, but then I would have found it sooner, so I knew there was more.

As I investigated further into her history, I saw that the traces were faint because she wasn't using this account at all. It seemed as if Shy had a completely hidden, username that you couldn't see on a first glance.

I connected my computer to hers, making the information more accessible incase Shy's computer was being traced. When the password screen came on once more, it took me longer to find the hidden account, and longer still to hack into the secure account. Whoever had done this had a lot of practice or amazing equipment. Glancing at the clock revealed that it was 12:56, approximately two and a half hours since I had found Shy's laptop.

I repeated the same process that I had used earlier, being a little more thorough this time.

I gasped. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe this...I was right!"

There, right in front of my eyes were, pictures, of ­­­­past mission plans, records of reports, and some gruesome murder victims. I had no idea what she was doing with them, but how she got them became really apparent when I went online to track her search history. She really was talking to the agency that night I had over heard her, and she had been talking to them more and more frequently as the dates came closer to present day.

The last day she had any communication with them, was the night that I had seen her in a video chat with a man. The man.

Shy was an agent, just like Kasper and Raven and Preston.

Just like me...

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