Chapter 13

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I was hanging out with Aiden, yes again, after school. It had been a week since my discovery, but no one knew exactly what I had discovered, besides Nessiah, who knew I hacked the laptop because that's what I do. However, no one knew what I had found.

Plunk. Plunk. Plunk, three objects hit me in the face. "STAPH!"

"What?" Aiden asked innocently.

"Stop throwing stuff at me!" I squealed, "...what is this?" it looked like... pink erasers? "Are these erasers?" I voiced amused.

"So what if they are?"

I sighed, shaking my head, "Okay, you have my attention, what do you want?"

"Do I always have to want something?" He inquired, once again, seeming to be innocent.

"Fine then, I guess we can continue to talk about the time your aunt Hilda choked on a raisin at Thanksgiving... and you had to-"

"Okay! Okay! Fine, so I had to say something! Lord help me..." Aiden cut me off.

"So..." I drew out wiggling my eyebrows.

He raised an eyebrow, "Ew, do I even want to know what you're trying to imply?"

"I'm not implying anything! Sheesh,"

"Okay so there's this girl... in my eng--" He jumped up, "Hey, look who's here!"

I turned. No one was there. Getting up anyway, I followed Aiden down the path towards the school buildings.

"You're going to have to tell me sometime, Scotts!" I called ahead, watching as he tried to get away from me.

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"Hey!" I chirped, catching up with Simon and Allie.

"Hello!" Allie replied, she was a dark skinned girl with short brown hair that was also in Simon and my English class.

"So Vamp, sucked the life out of any innocent souls lately?" I joked.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. So. Funny." He said sarcastically.
"I know I am. Now let's goooo!"

We were seated in our seats, pretending to work on our assignments, "So, what's with you and that Alien person?"


"That guy you're always hanging out with, the one who you were yelling at this morning?" Allie put in.

"Oh, Aiden?" I asked, "Nahh, we're just friends! Besides, he's just... I donno, just ew. I mean he's cute, adorably hot, but we're just friends."

Simon didn't look convinced, but let it slide, continuing to a different, more un-normal topic.


"Please, come on?" I was begging with Simon, asking him if he wanted to stay in my next class, which was Advanced Computer Programming.

"I can't! Besides, I don't think that your 'friend' Xander likes me very much." Simon said, emphasizing the 'friend' part.

I groaned, "But it's so easy in there! I get don't in, like, two minutes, please?"

"Well, that's 'cause you're a tech nerd." He poked my face.

I glared at him, "Shut up. You're coming."

When we got to the class, the teacher appeared to be in a foul mood, yelling at us to find our seats and not talk, "You will finish this whole assignment on the board, and should you fail to complete it, you can take a zero or stay later in detention to complete it. No talking unless you're done! Begin."

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