Day 3

49 2 1

Haruki's POV
There's just something about La Union that's just so... Different.

The weather.
The vibe.
The people, or person, rather.

I looked over to Luan. I can't really put a finger on the emotion I see right now. Is he really calm, or is this a facade? "Hey, where are we going?" I was hoping for a resto or something since I haven't eaten since I left Baguio, or since I woke up, if I was honest.

"There's this unli grill thing near here, you get to grill your own meat, kinda like a samgy type of resto. Are you good with that?"

"Yeah, that sounds good to me. I haven't tried something like that yet."

"Then let's start walking."

Damn, for the first time in my life, I just left. I packed my bags, set food for my hamsters then walked out without ever turning back. The fact that I'm here in La Union, at this very moment, feels so surreal. But shit, I needed this so bad. It was either this or-

"We're here." A cozy resto-type vibe met my eye. Yellow lights match well with the sea breeze, and well, his scent. It was so goddamn intoxicating, it was almost too much. I composed myself and looked at the menu. Everything looked so good, so I let him pick. That was the moment I knew Luan was extremely fond of seafood, and I didn't mind.
"So, why La Union? Of all the places you could've gone to, why here?"
"Well, first of all, Baguio's only an hour away. I also felt like maybe the sea is what I need right now."
"C'mon, you just wanted to see me." Typical Luan. I just want to wipe that smirk off his face.

"From what I can remember, you were the one scampering around your room for things to bring, so that should speak for itself." I smirked back. Two could play this game, boy. Did he look... flustered?

Luan's POV

This girl really is testing me. I bit my lip, trying to hide my surprise. I didn't really expect her to say that, most of the girls I talk to would just blush or look away but, this girl really is different. Her stare was filled with a mischievous glint, her smirk mimicking mine. Although, those same eyes were hiding something, if anyone bothered to look. Was that sadness?
"No but seriously, why La Union? You could've stayed in Baguio to clear your head, or you could've even gone home to your province, Bataan was it? So why here?" She could lie to every single person in the universe with her smile, and I have to admit, she's a great actress, but her eyes can't lie. She took a deep breath.

"I had to go somewhere new. Everywhere I look, I remember everything. The pain, sadness, happiness, everything. It's suffocating. I can't go back home, my parents wouldn't leave me alone and frankly there really isn't any type of transportation I can use. But I thought of it." She smiled, but now with bitterness and guilt on her lips.

"Baguio reminded me of everything, how I took the boards and passed, my med school interview, when, mind you, I literally just got off the bus." She laughed, but it was hollow, like she was laughing because she had to, not because she was happy."

"I also remember how I first... well, let's not get into that for now. All I can say is that the pain from me basically failing every exam I had in med school was too much for me to bear. Frankly I'm at my wit's end. I had to do something and all I could think of was the sea. It's been a few years since I've been to the beach and I just wanted to feel the waves wash all of these emotions away. Maybe after each wave washes over, I'd feel lighter, like the burden of living would be a little easier to carry, no? I could just drown myself, whatever's good." She chuckled, I do hope she wasn't serious about the last part.

"Anyway Luan, enough about me. How about you?"


Haruki's POV

"What do you mean what about me?" This boy really knows how to play dumb. Too bad I'm not easily persuaded.

"I have to ask, since you are the playboy of the century, were you always like this? I remember your stories about Halley, so yeah can you tell the story of Luan the fuckboy?" Why does this dude keep on breaking eye contact? He smiled, but not his typical flirty type of vibe, it was more of nostalgia.

"What do you want to hear?" I guess I brought this on myself, oh well.

"Halley, who was she, really?" I looked at him but I wasn't sure who I was looking at. Luan the cool, laid-back, private type of guy became Luan the hurt, vulnerable and helpless little boy. Was I taking things too far? Did I ask the wrong thing? "Hey, you know you don't need to answer if you aren't comfortable."
"No, it's fine." He took a deep ragged breath.

"Where do I begin with Halley. She was my childhood friend, my first love, by 'The One That Got Away', if you will. She was my everything, but like every good thing that ever happened in my life, she left me. She died." He looked like he was swallowing back that familiar lump in his throat. I do hope he's okay.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Thank you, but yeah that was 5 years ago. I remember this one specific event. We were high schoolers at the time. She was a frail and shy girl, and I made it a point to protect her at all costs. Then there was this friend group, one of the girls liked me and they made up rumours about Ley. They told everyone in our class that I was only her friend because she was a rich and spoiled brat just because she was the unica hija of their family." He scoffed, I felt his anger rising, I couldn't help but stay silent.

"Of course, that wasn't true. I was there when her parents offered to pay for whatever plans we had for that day, but Ley would choose to stay outside their house and we would just talk or play games on the PSP. Simple things made her happy and I admired that about her. Anyway I confronted one of her bullies because I couldn't stand the fact that they were spreading hurtful things about her. Not gonna lie, I raised my voice at her, and she started to cry. That's why I hate getting mad, I know I can't control my actions or what I say. Then I ended up at the Guidance Counsellor's office for the ruckus I caused. Halley approached me, wanting to talk about what happened, hence why we ended up in an empty physics lab." I admired Luan for his nobility. At such a young age, he was a man through his principles. He stood by what he thinks is right and that's not an easy thing to do.

"Halley reprimanded me. She told me I should've just left them alone, that I shouldn't have defended her. How could I not? I wanted to protect her from all the pain they threw her way. Then she turned away from me and looked out the window, she then told me she wasn't perfect and that she had flaws. So I did what I thought was right. I hugged her from the back and told her she was perfect in my eyes. I mean, she really was." His lips curled into a sad smile. Luan really loved her, that was certain. I couldn't help but smile as well. The essence of young love was something only a select few would experience in a lifetime, something about it always makes me feel giddy, like the school girl I once was.

"She was my only friend at the time. In that hug I decided I was gonna tell her how I felt about her the minute we graduated high school, but we both know what happened next. So yeah, now you know about the 'Physics Lab' story." Another smile, but the facade was back up. I was about to say another word but we were interrupted by our server informing us our food was ready. So much for good timing.


The pair ate in silence, only the crackling fire of the grill in front of them could be heard. Yes it was silent, but not lonely. They sat in the comfort of each other, just two people who poured their hearts out to each other without hesitation. Yes it's only been a short time since they met, there was still much to know who they really were as individuals, but in this moment, they were rearing a connection they never thought they would have. Haru brought out her phone, updating Jed of where she was and what she's doing when Luan gently took it from her hand.

"No phones, live in the moment for once. That's why you're here right?" She looked at him in annoyance.

"Yeah but if Jed doesn't know where I am, he'll freak the fuck out and you know that." She retaliated.
The bespectacled boy pushed his glasses higher and sighed, "Fine. But after that, I'm keeping your phone. Put it on vibrate."
 She rolled her eyes, but gave in. "Ugh, fine. Deal." She sent Jed a 'I'm not dead yet, don't freak out' text and handed her phone to him.

"That's my girl." He teased.

"I'm not yours, boy." She retaliated.

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