Chapter 14

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"Ahh, it's been a long time since i'm this relaxed" Ryuu said stretching her body. She tighten the towel on her head and prepare to jump to the hot bath "watch out everyone! Fire in the hole!"


"Ryuu!" Morana and Izanami screaming, because the water waves get on them.

Emma laughing, she also dip herself into the hot bath "ah, glad i come with Mikey" she plays the warm water "sadly, Mizuki-chan couldn't come to bath with us"

"Yeah, that's a bad fever" Izanami said.

"Itchiih! Itchyuuf!"

The four of them looking at each other "that she is" Mora said

"Why Draken pick her up when she's still like that, better be she resting" Ryuu said swim to the other side of the bathup.

"Draken said she look like a poor kitten, so he pick her up" Emma said

"By the way... Izanamin, Baji said you and Mikey official?" Mora teasing her

Her already red face become more red "it-it's um...well, you know, it's um... confession and stuff and it's happend just like that"

"I always knew it! Since we were kids Mikey have a huge interest to you" Emma hugging Izanami "how should i call you now? Sister in law? Big sis? Iza-neechan?"

Ryuu poking Izanami cheeks "have you kissed?"

Izanami face look like going to explode "i dont think it's a kiss, but our lips bruised when he lick ice cream on my lips" she said in a small voice.

Ryuu floating on the bath "lucky you, Iza-chan. Taka-chan always said you're the girl i want to spend my life with, i'm stuck with you—something like that, but he haven't make me his girlfriend"

Mora gasped "i thought you and Taka-chan is already dating?!"

"Nope we haven't" Ryuu said

Emma shaking Izanami's arm "hey, how's Mikey confession? Is it romantic? Is he said i love you? Or be my girlfriend?"

She sighing "not even that word"

The three deadpanned "he? Then... how could you two?"

"He said something about what we will do if one of us died, he said that he will be criminal and stuff, and i said i'll come to death with him. But he said i should keep living and forget him! That's unfair, and some shit stuff he suddenly said should we dating now? And we're dating" Izanami said

"That's..." Ryuu said sternly

"Really..." Mora unsure to said the next word

"Let's, Mikey things?" Emma finished it for them.

Izanami tried to change the subject "M-Mora too! Aren't you and Baji is suspicious?! You two literally going everywhere together"

"Huh? It's not! We're just—"


Morana sighing, thanks for those boys stupidness, she don't have to reveal her relation with Baji. What should she call it? A plus-plus friends? Friends with benefit? That's terrible.

"You haven't completely healed yet, dont push it!"






"WHY DON'T YOU DIE FOR ONCE!" Draken scream loudly.

An irk mark showed up on Mora's forehead "KIMITACHI URUSAI! (You all so loud)"

"Pfft!" Ryuu cant handle her laugh "BAHAHAHAHAHA"

Izanami laughing too "nani wo aitsura wa (what the hell they are)"

While Emma making a soft expression hearing Mikey and Draken. Morana, Ryuu and Izanami staring at her closely "w-what is it?"

"Emma-chan, you like Draken?" Ryuu ask her whispering sonthe boys can't hear it

Her face become so red "is it that obvious?!"

"Let's say we have a very sharp eyes" Morana said

Emma smiling softly "i won't runaway, i like him"

While at the outside, Mizuki eyes widen. She hold Draken's Haori on her shoulder thightly. Her face still red from fever and she's wearing a mask so no one can see her expression. But her eyes always talking, only a few people can understand it 'Emma-san like...Ken-san?' That is what written in her eyes.


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