Chapter 24: On the same level

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"he's good"

"a middle schooler? no way in hell!"

Ryuu peeking to the training ground to see Baji and Nakahara Chuuya-san have a sparring. Baji is surprisingly good and react to Nakahara Chuuya-san's attack swiftly. But Nakahara Chuuya-san make a feint move and the next second, Baji is laying on the ground.

"not all bad, Keisuke" he help Baji get up

"Thank you Chuuya-san" he's grinning make his fangs appeared, he look like notice Ryuu that peeking on the entrance. "oh, Ryuu!"

Ryuu startled a bit, but she put her cocky smile and enter the training ground "y-yo" what the hell i nervous for!? Nakahara-san!? hell, Taka-chan in my heart always.  she looking at sleeveless Chuuya and gulped screw Taka-chan, i love being here- NO Ryuu! be loyal!

Baji titling his head "the hell you dozing off for?"

"nothing!" she answer as fast as she could "you have sparring?"

Chuuya walk to Ryuu's side "yeah, for a middle schooler yer very good!"

OMG! "y-yeah, Baji is learning martial art since elementary?"

"i learned at a dojo" he said "you're alone Ryuu? where's Mizuki?"

"i came here because i can't found her, Koyou-san too no where to be seen" she frowned

Chuuya clap his hands "jaa! ya wanna come with us?"

"where to?" Ryuu asked

Chuuya just gave her a grin, suspicious one.


he ask her to come with him to be a debt collector.

"ano... Chuuya-san? isn't this job for the Minion?" Baji asked 

he laugh a little "why tho? we can freely punching person and if someone asked, we can just answer that they have a debt on us and he wont pay!"

"Then join a street gang!" Ryuu and Baji scream at him.

Ryuu just sighing, she thought Chuuya is a cool person based on his appearance, but he is a total stupid, he is a perfect superior for Baji, since they equally stupid. she's going to stop the both of them but her phone is ringing. she look at the caller id, it's Mizuki.

"moshi-moshi? Mizuki-chan?" 

"listen to me calmly"  she said "Mitsuya Takashi is going to talk to Shiba Taijuu, the leader for the tenth generation of Black dragon"

Ryuu stunned, "where do you get this information from?"

"Chifuyu Matsuno told me" she said "ya have to go back to Tokyo and stop him, Ryuu-san. Black dragon now, isn't just a street gang. they connected to upperclass even some of our executive. if Mitsuya Takashi get involved, he might be got himself into trouble. worst, he might tripped with the port mafia or other mafia"

"how can i go to Tokyo?" Ryuu asked a bit panicked 

"i'll call Hirotsu-san for ya"  Mizuki said "where are you now?"

"suribachi, with Baji and Nakahara Chuuya-san" 

"he'll be there in minutes, prepare yourself back to Tokyo" Mizuki sighing clearly "how can ya stuck with that idiot, bet he's beating random person now"

"dont even ask about it, Baji is going to burn a car right now" Ryuu sigh "guess he and Morana really compliment"


Ryuu told Hirotsu-san to stop by in front of a house, more precisely, Mitsuya's house. she thanked Hirotsu-san and out of the car, she knocked Mitsuya's house and waiting for someone to opens it.

"oh? Ryuu onee-chan?" Luna said peeking from the peeking hole

"Luna" she call her as Luna open the door "is Mana inside? where is your nii-chan?"

"Mana is sleeping, and Nii-chan...he's been out since morning" Luna said

"on his gang uniform?"

"yes, he's look like in hurry"

Ryuu kneeling in front of Luna "listen here Luna, dont open the door to anyone. not from Toman, not from stranger, just open it for Taka-chan only, okay? do you understand?"

Luna nodding slightly afraid.

"okay, now go inside and lock the door" Ryuu said

as Luna go inside the house, Ryuu get back to Hirotsu-san and told him to get her to Black dragon area.

"they're dangerous, Ryuu-sama" Hirotsu warn her "they sold their violence for the upperhigh to get money"

"so it's not just a mere deliquents" Ryuu mumbling to herself.

"even us, port mafia have used their fist once, but they too brutal so we cut ties" he explain "we're here"

Ryuu eyeing the tall building in front of her. It's something a usual gang street gang can't afford but Black Dragon have it.

"if i'm not come back in an hour,  please come after me" Ryuu said as she off from the car.

Some Black Dragon's member are guardibg the entrance,  she boldly approach them while the other who sat down on the stairs cat calling her.

"i want to go to Shiba Taiju's headquarter, i believe he currently in a meeting with Toman second division captain" she said to them

He snort "no can't do little miss,  it's only for the upper high"

Ryuu sighing and pull out her gun she got from port mafia, her hand a bit shaky from holding a real gun but she handle it "i'm Akabane Ryuu from Port Mafia, let me trough"

The Black Dragons gulped and move aside, Ryuu walks carelessly while giving them smile. "oh, may i know where is Shiba Taiju's headquarter?"

"t-the 21st floor"

"thank you" she said as she entering the lift. 

as the door opens, she can see a weird combination in this room. From Toman's side, there are Chifuyu Matsuno, Hanagaki Takemichi and Hakkai Shiba standing behind Taka-chan. while in the opposite, she only recognize Shiba Taijuu.

"what a surprise" one of Shiba Taijuu side said "i supposed you are Akabane Ryuu that Morana's been talking about"

"oh wow, i'm well known" she said "and you are?"

"Kokonoi Hajime" he bowing and give Ryuu a knowing smirk "and this is Inui Seishu"

Ryuu just nod and turn to see Mitsuya "yo! been a week Taka-chan!"

Mitsuya looking at Ryuu in disbelive, he rush to her and give her a hug "where the hell are you!?"

Ryuu avoid to meet eyes with Mitsuya "emm, you see, i've been with Mizuki this whole week. i accompany her to her hometown"

Mitsuya cupped Ryuu's cheek "go home"

Ryuu giving him a sad smile "i already am" 

"excuse me, canyou stop this lovey dovey scene and get outta here? the discussion is over tho" Kokonoi Hajime cut their conversation.

as Mitsuya, Hakkai and Chifuyu walking ahead her, she took her phone and call Hirotsu that waiting for her. "Hirotsu-san, you can leave me"

"understood, i shall pick you up by tomorrow" he said 

"come on Ryuu!" Mitsuya calling him



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