part 1- the travel to the past

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~~~~~~~ Megan POV~~~~~~~~

today is april 12th, 2023

"Have a nice weekend!" my math teacher says. I walk to my locker and get my stuff so i can go home.  

My house is not far from school, so i can walk. When i get to my house, i see that all the lights are off and there are no cars on the driveway. That's weird, my moms are always home... or at least one of them is always home. One of my moms, Sara, put an extra key in my bag this morning, i didn't understand why. But now i do... they are gone.

I don't know where they are, but my moms told me they did important work before i was born. They told me they had worked with people like the flash, supergirl and the green arrow's team. They would never tell me what their exact work was, but i'm fine with it. I just know sometimes they still need to help their friends.

I put my key in the door and open it. I turn on the light in the hall and take my jacket of. I walk to the kitchen and turn the light on. I see that there is a note on the door of the fridge. 

We'll be home soon.



okay so i don't need to worry and go look for them. 

I walk to the kitchen cabinets and grab some fruit loops, then i open the fridge to grab some milk but i realize there is no milk. What should i do? Should i wait for my parents to get home or should i go to the store right now?

I decide that i'm going to the store now since it's literally 2 minutes away and i don't know when my parents are coming home. 

I walk back to the hall and put my jacket back on to go to the store. I grab the key to open the door but when i tried to put the key in, i realised someone was opening the door from the outside. I'm scared but my mom gave me self defense lessons so i should be fine

"honey, we're home" i hear my mom say and my body can relax.

"hey mom, where were you two" i ask one of my moms, Ava

"we had some work to do" my other mom, Sara, says

"oh okay, i'm going to the store to get some milk" i tell them

"okay, see you soon" Ava says

"love you" they both say in sinc

"love you too" i say and walk out to the store.

I walk in the store, grab some milk, pay for it and walk back to my house.

I see that the front door is already open, my moms never leave the doors open, something is not right.

I quietly walk inside and see my moms fighting 4 men in black suites. I immediately recognize them, they are members of the league of assasins. My mom told me she was a former member and that they were still searching here to face 'justice'. 

My moms are not able to fight them together, so i grab my moms fighting sticks, she never told me what the actual name of the sticks is. I run in the livingroom and jump on one of the men who was strangling my mom Ava. I get him off her and start punching him in his face. The man stabbed my mom Ava and i punch him so hard that he drops to the ground. At this point my moms realize i'm there fighting the men with them. My moms screams "Megan run or you're not gonna make it". I can't just leave them here, alone. I keep fighting until there is a weird yellow light in the room and all the men are gone. Suddenly there is a young men dressed in a red suit standing in our livingroom. "Sara Lance, long time no see" the young men said. "they will soon find you again, but i can bring your daughter to a different time" he says "please save our daughter" Ava says bleeding from being stabbed. "What? Bring me to another time? What do you mean?" i say not knowing what they are talking about. Before i know it the young man starts running in a circle really fast. My mom tells me i need to step in the circle and everything will be okay. "we will find you again, just don't tell anyone who we are" my other mom, Ava, says. "i'm not leaving you two here to die" i say and refuse to go into the circle, but before i know it my mom pushes me in the circle and i close my eyes, scared of what is gonna come.

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