Chapter one- Another Life

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Chapter one-Another Life

Ethan's P.O.V

Ethan: "LET GO OF IT!!"

          I yelled while gripping one side of the game controller in my hand. I eagerly pulled it to my side, before it was yanked back by my Brother Brandon's hand.

Ethan: "You lost! So let go!"

           Altercations like this happened all the time between Brandon and I. I guess it was sibling rivalry or brotherly love, whatever you want to call it. It happened way too frequently.

Brandon: "Fine"

          I gave one hard pull while he let go, causing me to stumble backwards hitting the wall behind me. Triumphantly, I stood up and continued playing the game.

Brandon: "You're such a big baby"

          I rolled my eyes and hit the last few buttons before finishing the game. I tossed the controller to him and exited the room to the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and opened a carton of milk and poured it into a glass. Brandon staggered into the kitchen and started peaking though cabinets.

Brandon: "There's nothing to eat"

          I took a sip of my milk and coughed.

Ethan: "I can make French toast"

I coughed again this time harder than the last.

Brandon: "You're getting sick and I don't want you touching my food. You probably got Ebola"

I started to have a coughing fit, but luckily it subsided.

Ethan: "I'm Fine"

I suddenly felt a warm liquid flowing from my nostril. I touched it as red spots appeared on my fingers.

Brandon: "Oh my God, your nose is bleeding"

          I suddenly felt weak, like I couldn't stand on my own feet. I grabbed the counter for support and my vision was going blurry. I lost most of my hearing like something was blocking my ears. I started panting like I had just ran a mile.

Brandon: "Hey, are you okay Ethan?"

Then, I blacked out and hit the hard floor....

          I woke up several hours later in a hospital bed, with a white sheet covering my torso. I sat up quickly and threw the sheet on the blue hospital room floor. I looked at the gown I was wearing, with the dark blue and white stripped pattern on it. I tried to stand up but a sharp pain immediately shot up my spine, forcing me to sit back down. After that, a male doctor wearing a long white overcoat and classes entered. He was a tall man with short caramel colored hair and a nametag that read, "D.R. Stevens" on it.

D.R. Stevens: "I'm glad you're awake, how are you feeling?"

Ethan: "I feel like shit. I just had some back pain"

D.R. Stevens: "Yes that is expected after you hit the floor that way. We aren't sure what caused the nosebleed was caused from, but we have some ideas. We took the liberty of extracting blood from you, and we should get results in a few days. I'm sure it's nothing major".

Ethan: "Great, you seem a little young to be a doctor".

D.R. Stevens: "I'm twenty-six"

Ethan: "Just as I thought, young. Anyways, where are my parents?"

D.R. Stevens: "They're waiting in the lobby. I will get them for you. With your current state, it's not best for you to be mobile".

          I nodded and lay back down, as he left the room. I looked down at my bandaged arm where they took the blood from me. I poked it as a small ounce of pain shot up my arm. D.R. Stevens returned with my parents and brother. The only one to hug me was my mother Maria. She was a dark skinned woman, with her long black hair tied in a bun. My dad, Mike, just stood at the edge of my bed, staring down at me with his arms crossed. He had fair skin and blonde hair to match, gelled back. My brother took the only available seat next to my bed, and the doctor left.

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