•5: Shoot From The Hip.

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Anwaar's point of view

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Anwaar's point of view


Its been a month since I came back from Ukraine and I have started working at my father's company urban Pacific group of companies as the managing director.

The alarm beeped and I woke up, the time was showing 7: 15am, I entered my bathroom to take a shower ,I came out in a white bathrobe I went to my closet and picked a cloth to wear , I wore a blue Armani buttoned down shirt and paired it with a navy blue suit a tie and a black cover shoe and selected a silver wrist watch . After I had dress I went to the kitchen and prepared a black coffee.

I said my prayer of going out and went to the main house to greet my family, assalam alaikum I said while coming into the house wa'alaikum salam, my dad said while sitting on the alabaster ottoman leg crossed and sipping his tea, how are you, fine Abbie, how is work and everything, alhamdulilah dad, I answered while going upstairs to my mother's room. am not very close to my dad because he is a very strict man and a man of his words.

After I greeted my mother I came out of the house and went to the parking lot and entered my mercedes Benz v12 amg c65 and the security guard opened the gate for me and I drove out to my friend's house Umar, Umar is a very good friend of mine we are childhood friends since the time we didn't know what friendship meant, I don't hide any secret from him and his a brother to me from another mother.

When I arrived at their house which wasn't far from mine I saw him waiting for me in front of their gate. "Hey man what's up how far now?" Fine my guy. Are we going straight to the bank now? Said Umar ,yeah we are going there right right now.

"My guy,what are you thinking about you have been lost in your thoughts , I said " guy I saw a girl and I have been thinking about her I think I like her,he said dreamily " you saw a what girl, a girl I reacted amazingly " yes of course! hmmmm let me catch myself falling for any girl, I said. Why are you being a buss kill , Umar said so you still don't wanna fall in love " oh my" you are a very stubborn man , hmm I don't have time to be wasting on a girl i want to enjoy my life to its fullest I said "hahaha we all laughed in choruse" by the time ammi tells you to bring a daughter in law for her you will know " I want to enjoy my life to it fullest, he mimicked me". " bastard" I said and hit him on his neck

We finally arrived at the bank, I parked the car at the parking area without a waste of time we came out of the car and I went into the bank to withdraw money from the Atm and Umar stood at the side of the car to wait for me , after some minutes I came back, i was walking and talking on the phone without looking at my way when I suddenly collided with a person i matched a stone i was about to fall when I immediately caught the girl shoulder and she fell on the floor and the papers she was holding in her hand flew away and fell on the floor , the girl didn't even react or spare me a glance she quickly squatted down and started picking the papers, I also didn't mind to help her but Umar immediately rushed to help her " i opened my mouth agape and started looking at him, what the fucking hell is this boy doing, i said in my mind ".

I dragged him back and stopped him from helping her , guy what are you trying to do, you wanna help her don't you know it's a risk helping a girl she can start thinking otherwise, he didn't say anything but only shooked his head and got into the car, the lady didn't even look at us and left in a hurry. "Mtscheww, I hissed " and got into the car .

I on the car and started driving I am just waiting for what Umar would say before I could conclude my thought , he said man but what you did to that lady wasn't right you pushed her and refused to help her pick the papers, she didn't even mind if you told her sorry or not she just minded her business .

"Yes, I don't fucking give a damn if I said sorry or not , I don't like talking to ladies and I I don't have any single motherfucking business that has to do with them, but not all ladies are bad there are good ones so please bro stop discriminating and bad mouthing them , he said and continued pressing his phone.

I was supposed to drop Umar in his office, few minutes after our discussion I reached Umar's office and dropped him before he got out of the car he said , I pray you find a righteous girl that will change your view of life about girls and I pray you fall in love with that same girl, he said while laughing and rushed into the building. I hissed and drove out of the building this guy is a real fool, how can i even fall in love with her when I don't even know her and maybe she is even married, this boy is a total psycho. Maybe I won't even see her again only Allah knows.

I drove straight to my office , when I arrived the security guard opened the gate for me and drove straight to the under ground parking lot .

When I entered inside everybody started greeting me out of respect because I am the Managing director and the CEO's son.

I went to the elevator and pressed the button to the 15th floor , I reached my office and I went in and my assistant greeted me I answered with straight face and went into my office which was charcoal and porcelain white , with an office table at the far centre of the office with an imac on the table and a big ancient wall clock and a shelf at the side of the wall and a door by the right which was the toilet.

I removed my suit and hung it at the back of my Italian office chair and got into business by sending emails and doing some paperworks that was assigned to me by my father as the future CEO of Urban Pacific group of companies.

Hello wattpadians
Am so sorry for not updating early I will try and make it up for you by updating early.
Please don't forget to check out poisoned love. Plsssss like and comment 🥺🥺.

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