•43: Tale of foes

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Anwaar squeezed his eyes closed, feeling the intensity at which his father was speaking. He huffed out a frustrated breath, then opened his eyes to face the war coming ahead. No matter what it has to happen. Khaled out of jail, impossible!?

"I said I saw Khaled today."

Alhaji Aliyu roared into laughter, feeling the whole moment as if it was an American movie, because it seriously felt like one at that moment. For as long as he could remember, Khaled has been in jail for about six months, he even visited him last month so what could have happened?

What could have changed?

Alhaji Aliyu paused for a moment, holding his anger in check. "Let me do some calls, then give you a call later. How could they be this careless!"

He answered with an 'Ok' cutting the  call.


He exhaled a deep breath, carrying the small flower pot that was in front of him. He smashed it to the floor, giving a rough sound as it scattered into pieces, all around the dinning room. He doesn't want to believe that Khaled is out, but who is he to deny the reality of life. Seeing someone with your own eyes and denying that it isn't the person. Huh! What a dilemma.

He wants to laugh about the whole commotion, but is it even funny? His mind was getting more and more muddled.

He suddenly began to laugh humorously. Finding the situation now funny. His little sister, how was she going to take it, when she finds out?!


To say he was shocked will be an understatement. He narrowed his eyes forward, biting his lower lip subconsciously as he stared at Khaled with a puckered face. This was beyond him. Too shocking for him. He moved his legs forward to were his colleagues where all standing. How could he be here, he wondered, but on the other hand he knew who Khaled was.

And what he was capable of doing.

"Calm down, Anwaar."He tried to pacify himself, because he is minute away from losing his calm. He huffed out a breath, taking out another one at the same time. He clenched and unclenched his fists fixing it perfectly in a ball shape.

His eyes. His eyes had turn blood shot red, the veins beside his eyes were already popping out.

He was still finding it hard to believe that it's Khaled standing there, right in front of him. The person that was supposedly in jail. Oh what a plot twist.

He blew out yet another breath, preparing himself for the worse.

"Come let get started." Khaled said, as they began to follow him further into the building. While Anwaar just stood looking at him.

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