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I sigh, picking up the last box from the taxi and trecking up the several flights of stairs to my new apartment. I had recently gotten it really quick thankfully and it was pretty cheap from an unknown reason. I struggle to open the door but managed to do it without dropping the box. I place the box on the plastic covered table, and  look over the apartment.
I sigh heavily over the little I had, the three cardboard boxes and the suitcase. That was all I had. God I needed to buy stuff. Then again, I hadn't been planning on leaving just so soon.
I run my hand through my (h/c) hair, I suck my teeth and got working. Putting the very little I had away.

I walk out, locking the door behind me. I decided to head to find the shops so that I had something to eat for a while. Getting some pasta, noodles some cheese, chicken, milk and some pop, some chocolate, biscuits and some fruit and some baking ingredients. I smile at th cashier, as he rung me up. I took all my bags, and start the walk back to the new apartment. Luckily the shop was close by so not only did I not get lost but it wasn't a long walk. I sigh and walk up the stairs, hands straining from the plastic bags diigimg into my skin. I struggle to unlock my door, but not dropping a thing. I enter and slam the door using my abilities. Which is another story for another time. I go into the kitchen and put the stuff in there respected areas. I sigh idly, bored out of my mind. After a little hike of contemplating I put my hair up in a messy bun and walk into the kitchen.

I turn the radio on playing the music. Taylor Swifts' shake it off playing full blast. I twirl around letting the music flow through me. The objects I needed flying about, doing what I needed them to do. The sugar in the bowl, then the butter, then cocoa powder, flour all mixing together with just a thought. I was in my own little world with the ingredients flying around as I danced about happily. Then there was sudden pounding on the door. I blink turned my head, my concentration dropping. The contents I had flying dropping with a loud thud. The bowl in my hands falling with a crash, the glass shattering at my feet. I squeaked loudly at the sound of glass breaking  . The thudding stopped and the door ended flying of its hinges landing in front of me.
"What the fuck!?" I yelled looking in the door way.

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