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They men had left and I chucked the towel on the back of the couch. I groan audibly, running a hand through the strands of my hair.

Bucky pov

Sam looked at me with an a amused look. He pursed his lips and raised an eyebrow.
"What?" I huff at him.
"Your neighbours cute" He responded.
"Sure" I rolled my eyes. Admittedly she was. I huff and went in to my kitchen. And I heard Sam leave. Thank god. Whilst prepping for dinner the door opens again, this time with two sets of footsteps.
"Buck. Set up another plate for dinner" Sam's annoying voice rang throughout the apartment. I place the knife down and stroll out of the kitchen to find Sam sprawled out on the couch and Y/N sat upright on the arm chair. She played with her fingers mindlessly as she stared at her lap.
I raised my eyebrow at Sam.
"I felt bad bout the door so I invited her for dinner" He explained before I could ask him. I sigh and go back to the kitchen to finish the food. I looked through the small window in the wall, that spereated the kitchen from the rest of the apartment, I studied her, the way she laughed so freely as Sam made a fool of himself, how her y/e/c eyes sparkled as she spoke. She waved her hands in an eccentric manner as Sam made a remark. And I noticed her her hands seemed to be unblemished. No cut in her hand from earlier.  She saw me looking and waved at me. Then noticed which hand she was using and brought it down to her lap quickly. She smiled at Sam as if nothing was different or off. I plated up 3 portions of rice and chicken with some veg. And carried all carefully to the living room with the cutlery in a hand. Y/N stood up and walked over, taking a plate and the cutlery so I had more of a hold over the other two. I nod my head towards her and gave the lazy bastard on my chair, his, after noticing that he had moved to where she was previously sat. He grinned cheekily as y/n and I sat next to one another.

Y/N pov

I sat next to Bucky, the warm plate on my lap. I played about with my food, pushing it with the fork.
"This is good Buck" Sam spoke up after a while, mouth full,  a few grains of rice falling from his mouth. I nod my head in agreement, not trusting myself to speak. I noticed that he had noticed my hand. Or what wasn't on my hand. Bucky shrugged his shoulders and continued to eat his food.
"So Y/n tell us something bout yourself" Sam once again spoke. Trying to fill in the silence. I pause, thinking about something that I could share with them.
"I was adopted." Was the first thing to leave my lips.
"Oh. What about your biological parents?" Sam asked disheartened by my talk.
"Er. Bio mom died giving birth to me and my bio dad... He left me. In a condemned building. I met him once though." I tell them. Not really thinking about it.
"Ooh. Do tell how did that go?" Sam asked he seemed really interested in my backstory.
"He tried to kill me" I shrug.
Sam Pov
Damn. She seemed so nonchalant as she spoke, she continued to eat her food whilst me and Buck stopped..
"He tried to kill you?" Bucky spoke up for the first time this meal. His words slow and soft. 
"Yep, tried to rip my heart out" She replied, setting her fork down. "Why do I have a feeling that this is going to be the focus on the conversation now" .
I shrugged but knew she was right. We both did. We all set our plates down on the coffee table and turned to face her. Bucky leaning back against the couch, arm thrown over the back. And I leaned forward. Elbows rested on my knees, chin resting on my hands.
She sighed as she began to speak. " As fun as this would be I'm gonna go now." She got up and walked round but before leaving she leant down and pressed her lips to Buckys' cheek. "And thank you Bucky. The food was great, see you later" He voice rang out  as she left, closing the door behind her.
"Well shit." Was all I said.

Next door neighbour.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon