Maria's Decision

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Mum, Mummy, Professor Skinner, Lucy, Maria, Luke, and Clyde go to see Kaagh off. Mummy promised to bring the car around once they are finished. I stay at the telescope with the other queens. 'Why did Kaagh go after Maggie?' Anne asks. 'He could have gone after anyone.' 
'That's not what's bugging me,' Jane says. 'Why did Kaagh have his gun set on kill rather than stun? He stunned Sarah Jane earlier, so he could've done that with Maggie. So why didn't he do that?' 
'I guess we'll never find out,' Kitty says. 'But this better be the last time we see Kaagh.' 
'Yeah,' I say. 'I swear, the next time I see him, I'm going to kill him.' 
'Slow down, tiger, you haven't got your full powers yet,' Jane says, and she walks over and takes my hand. 'I don't want you to get hurt.'
'I know.'

We are silent for a few moments. Then, 'Maybe we should visit Joan,' I say. 'In all the chaos since the Gorgon, we've seriously neglected her.'
'Yes, I'm sure Joan will love it if we visit her.'

We all pile back into the car to head home, but Maria opts to go with her mum and dad. She has a critical situation to make. When we get back home, I ask the queens and Luke if we can meet in my room. 'We've neglected Joan for too long,' I say. 'She needs to know that we will be there for her.'
'I agree,' Catalina nods. 'We should visit her today. We can tell her what happened with the Sontaran.'

Maria heads over just as we're about to leave. 'Hi, Maria,' Anna says. 'We're going to visit Joan. You want to come?'
'I'd love to. But, unfortunately, it'd probably be the last time I see her.'
'You can't know that, Maria,' Kitty says.
'We've decided to go to America. It feels like the right thing to do.'
'Good for you,' I smile and pull Maria into a hug.

The room Joan is staying in is light and airy. A small draft comes in through the open window, and the white curtains gently shift and move. Joan is sitting up in bed, and she smiles at us. 'Hello, Joan,' Maria says, sitting beside her. 'Long time, no see, huh?' Joan nods. 'We're sorry we couldn't come sooner; things have been hectic recently.'
'I understand,' Joan says.
'It's best if you lot do the talking,' the nurse says. 'Joan's voice is still relatively weak, but she's progressing marvellously. Catalina, we spoke with your parents, and if things go well, Joan might come back home by the end of the year.'
'And we thought it would take years for me to recover anything I've lost,' Joan says, squeezing Maria's hand. The nurse leaves so we can spend some time together.
'Joan, I need you to promise me something. When you get out, you need to look after the queens. I won't be here to do that, so you'll need to step in. Can you do that?'
'Yeah, but why won't you be here?'
'My dad has this job in America, so I'll be moving with him.'
'I see.' Joan smiles. 'That's great news, Maria.'

'Maggie died today,' Jane says, sitting on the bed beside Joan.
'Wait, what?!'
'We fought a Sontaran today, Commander Kaagh. He tried to destroy Earth by bringing the satellites down over nuclear power stations. Maggie was trying to stop him from finding us as Luke was making a knock-out gas at Kaagh's spaceship.'
'At least she died fighting. That's all we can hope for. She's with Rocky and Bessie now.' 

Kate walks in a few minutes later. 'Joan? It's time for your medication.' 
'Thanks, Kate,' she smiles. 
'Emma, can I talk to you for a moment?' 
'Of course,' I say and step out of the room as a UNIT nurse walks in. 
'Come with me.' 

We walk out of the hospital into the garden. It is peaceful compared to the day we had. The birds are singing, and we can admire the plants in peace. 'We're looking after Joan as best as we can, but she wants to go home. We already talked to the Aragons about it, and they're happy about it, but Joan can't be put in a situation like this again.' 
'So, that's it, then? Joan's alien-fighting days are over?' 
'If you want Joan to stay safe, then they have to end.' 
'What if Joan works behind the scenes? She would be in less danger.' 
'That could be possible,' Kate nods. 'Are you meant to do work experience in year ten?' 
'I believe so, yes.' 
'Then I'd be happy to let Joan have work experience with UNIT. I already talked to her about it, and Joan's enthusiastic, to say the least. We'll need to clear it with the new headmaster and the school. Do you know where you want to go yet?' 
'I'm considering working with Jack, as are the other queens.' 
'Captain Jack Harkness?' 
'Yeah, he's already offered.' 
'He'd need proper insurance in place, which I don't think Torchwood has unless someone already sorted it out. But if that doesn't work, then we'll be happy to have you and the queens. Here's my card.' Kate gives it to me. 'I already gave a load to your mums in case they find anyone suitable for UNIT.' 
'Science over the military?' I guess. 
'Yes, but it's going to be tough. It will take years to turn UNIT around.' 
'I'm sure you'll get there someday.'
'In the meantime, keep an eye on yourself, and keep doing what you do.' 
'Thanks, Kate,' I smile, and we start walking back to Joan's room. 

I tell my friends what happened as we walk home. It turns out Kate already took Maria to one side and offered her a job with UNIT in Washington. 'It will be a good start,' Maria says. 'And it means I won't leave the universe behind.' 
'You can never leave the universe behind, Maria,' I say. 'I thought we taught you that.' 
'You certainly did. And if I'm part of UNIT, I can regularly talk to Joan, and Kate will give me access to her medical records so I can keep checking up on her. I want to spread some good in the world, and UNIT will be the best place to start.' 

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