The World Changes

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'Where would they go?' Rani asks when she and Clyde appear in the attic.
'I think I have a theory,' Sky says. 'We found a time fissure yesterday, and Nana acted strangely after she went through it. She was helping a kid, Oscar, get back home.'
'Where was it?' Clyde asks.

I hear a beeping sound and turn. 'Hang on,' I say. 'It's that box.' A silver box is sitting on the coffee table, and part of it is glowing blue.
'What is that?' Rani asks.
'Some weird stuff went down last year,' I say. 'An alien took Mummy out of time; it was odd.'
'You made it through, though?'
'Yeah, but I still remember bits of what happened. It's like an awful nightmare I never want to go through again.'
'Could that box have a link to the fissure?' Sky asks.
'It's worth finding out,' I grab the box. 'It's only half an hour to get to the fissure by train.'

The shop is the same as it was yesterday, but the fissure's gone. 'Try holding up the box,' Rani suggests. I hold it up in front of me, and it starts beeping faster, and the blue light turns red.
'Something must be changing,' I breathe. 'We need to get that fissure open now!' Sky raises her hands and reaches towards the wall, and the fissure opens.
'How did you do that?' Clyde asks.
'I've always had electrical powers. It never helped when I was on ships that were sinking.'
'I thought that was only the one time.'
'It was. Come on; we need to go through!' Clyde walks through first, then Rani. I turn to Sky. 'I'll try and keep it open. Mummy, the others need you.'
'You need me, too.'
'I'll be fine.'
'No, I'm staying with you.'

Sky keeps the fissure open while Clyde and Rani explore whatever's on the other side. I look down at my bracelet and realise it's also glowing red. 'What's happened to your bracelet?'
'I think I absorbed the same power as the box! See, the jewel's glowing red.' We both stare at my bracelet in interest.

'Sky, how do you think Will would've been as a father?' I ask. Sky gives me a strange look. 'What?'
'You never asked me that before. I guess you were so caught up in your grief that you didn't realise what effect it would have on me.'
'I'm sorry, Sky.'
'You knew Daddy, so it made sense that you'd mourn for him more than I would.'
'Yeah. I've done some shitty things while I was mourning. The whole suicide thing was a bad idea.'
'That hurt everyone, but because I've been through it, it means you'll go through it.'
'I don't want to be a bad mother to you, Sky.'
'I never said that! You were a great mother. You taught me to love life and to make each moment count. You might have hated living by the time I came, but you still tried to make the most of it. You taught me almost everything I know about ships and Daddy. I would never give any of that up for any other mother in the universe.' Sky pulls me into a hug, and I hug her back.

I look back at the box. 'What made it turn red?' Sky asks.
'It must be that a moment in time changed.'
'Nan and Nana!' Sky cries. 'We need to go and see what happened!'

A figure appears in the doorway. He walks through it to reveal it's Oscar. 'Oscar, what's wrong?' I ask. 'Where's Sarah Jane, the woman who helped you?'
'So stupid. Humans.'
'I don't like how that sentence ended,' Sky says. 'Mummy, we should go.'
Oscar starts wriggling around to reveal that the human was a disguise. Underneath it is a Graske.

'RUN!' I scream. Sky and I bolt from the shop and down the street.
'We should split up; he can only go after one of us. If you give me the box, we'll both get protected. We can meet back up later.'
'No, wait!' I cry. 'That must be the Graske, so that box will protect us.'
'Let's not split up.' We continue running before hiding behind some bins.

When the Graske appears, something strange happens. The world starts spinning around, and we cling to each other. We both start screaming. I can feel my head pounding. Please, make it stop.

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