First Day of Year 10

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On the first day back, I wake up a few minutes before my alarm goes off. The summer flew by, and I can't believe that I'm about to start year 10. It seems strange.

Alarms start going off throughout the house as I climb out of bed and run to the bathroom. It's already a nightmare with six people living in the house. We have only two bathrooms, which makes it difficult. We try to have a rota when we use the bathroom, but that always goes out the window on school mornings. I have a quick shower and dress into my school uniform before heading downstairs for breakfast.

Luke is already waiting at the breakfast table with a bowl of cereal. 'How was the mad dash to the bathroom?'
'I think everyone was just waking up.' After last year, Luke and I tried to wake up earlier to avoid the mad dash to the bathroom. I help myself to some cereal and sit down with my brother. 'So, year ten.'
'It doesn't feel real.'
'You came a long way since this time last year.'
'Yeah, but there's always things that set me apart from everyone else.'
'Hey, that's okay. Those differences are what make you my brother.'
'Yeah,' Luke smiles, and we continue with our breakfast.

Jane and Anne are the next two to clatter down the stairs. Jane sticks some bread in the toaster as Catalina, Anna, and Kitty barrel through the door. 'Emma is back at sea today,' Kitty says. 'She's looking forward to it.'
'I'm not surprised after what happened at Sailing Week,' Luke says.
'Emma told us about that,' Anna nods. 'She was angry that someone like that Tom could get in.'

We abandon that conversation and decide to talk about the first day back when Clyde and Rani arrive. 'I don't think our kitchen is made for nine people,' Mummy says.
'This is getting ridiculous,' Jane says. 'Do we need a rota for the kitchen as well?'
'Let's not take the rota thing that far,' Mum says. 'Come on, or you'll be late.' We finish having breakfast and head out of the door.

'Sarah's set the kitchen on fire again,' Anne says as she reads the message Mum left on the group chat.
'Of course, she would,' I say. 'Wasn't Mummy banned from the kitchen?'
'I'm sure she was.'
'You were, too. Charles tried your cooking once and said no one should be subjected to it!' Jane cries. 'He'd probably say the same with Sarah Jane's cooking.'

We continue walking to school in silence. We get to Mr Cunningham's class and sit there as he reads out the notices. 'Now, we're doing work experience for everyone in Year Ten during the summer. We will hand out forms for you to fill in during the next couple of weeks, so look out for them.'

Our day mostly goes on as usual until PE. I'm playing basketball with the other queens when I notice someone familiar out of the corner of my eye. She is wearing a Park Vale School uniform, and her brown hair looks unbrushed. It's in that moments that I realise it's Sky. Someone throws the ball at me, and it hits me in the face. I stumble back and hit the ground. 'Mummy!' Sky cries, and she runs over to help me, as does the teacher.
'Are you all right?' She asks me. My nose is throbbing. 'Maybe you need to go to the nurse's office.' She asks Sky to take me.

'What are you doing here?' I ask. 'Not that it's not good to see you again.'
'I contacted the Judoon and said they got it wrong. I accessed all my old Earth medical records, and the Judoon scanned me again. I'm Sky Murdoch.'
'So, what are the next steps?'
'Ms Meyers won't let me go easily, not without a fight.'
'Then how are you here?'
'Deathy escorted me here, but Ms Meyers is following me. It'll only be a matter of time before she catches up. But enough about me, what about you?'
'I've not travelled back in time yet, so there are still two versions of me. I've been to Sailing Week with Cunard during the summer. I fell in love with the sea, Sky. I can't wait to become a sailor.'
'I'm glad, Mummy. Let's get you to the nurse's office; your nose is looking swollen.'

Thank goodness my nose is only swollen and not broken. The nurse gives me an ice pack to try and keep the swelling down, and I stay there for some time. She tries to convince Sky to go back to whatever lesson she thinks Sky should be in, but Sky keeps on buying time so she can stay by my side. Eventually, the nurse calls the headmaster in.

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