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Ahem. I am not checking out my bodyguard. I am absolutely not. I am simply observing his body, nope that sounds worse.

I hold a hand to my temples, mentally scolding myself. Pervert.

"Is everything alright (Y/N)- san? Do you have a headache?"

Shaking my head at the soothing cyborg next to me, I lower my hand.

"The numbers are throwing me off is all, can't completely wrap my head around 'em"

Genji hums in acknowledgment and I lower my hand. Listening to his heartbeat was relaxing. I even began breathing in time with it. It's soft and steady, like the man next to me once you get to know him anyway. Not that I know him yet, but I would like to some day. Feeling heavy, yet weightless feel my consciousness slipping. I lean into Genji, who seems to surprised. His endless patience with me is endearing, instead of brushing me off or scolding me to pay attention, he pulls me closer. His arm around my shoulders and rests my head on his chest. I smile, a light blush on my cheeks.

"Thank you Genji-San."

"(-N)- San"

A gentle voice calls me and a hand nudges my shoulder.

"(Y/N)-San, you should wake up now."

I hum sleepily in response, adjusting my head back onto my pillow.

"No no (Y/N) you have your panel soon, you must get up," the voice insists, nudging me firmly.

Opening my eyes, I see that my pillow has been my coworker's shoulder. Or body guard. Or incredibly attractive man who I might've drooled on during my nap. Shit.

"Yep I'm up!" I announce sitting up stiffly, trying to regain professionalism. Surveying the room it seems no one was interested in my outburst, or at least didn't care enough to look. That saved me a bit of embarrassment. Now I just have to cover my ass for falling asleep on Genji.

"A-ahem, thank you for waking me up. I'm sorry for falling asleep on you," bowing my head in apology, before continuing. "How long until I'm on anyway?"

"About half an hour," Genji looks to the holoscreen, it seems the environmental representatives wrapping up. He hands me my purse which I had set between us. "Perhaps you might want to review your notes, or maybe freshen up before you go on?" He makes a point to look at my head.

I reach up to my hair, finding it disheveled and slightly matted against my head. My face flushes; well so much for not being embarrassed. Nodding, I rise to my feet.

"Yes I think I'll take a minute to be presentation ready, then I'll review my stuff," I stretch my legs, shaking the sleep off the rest of my body. Genji nods and prepares to follow me. I frantically shake my head.

"Oh no you don't have to come with me! I've troubled you enough by falling asleep on you, please continue to rest, or maybe try some of the snacks at the buffet, or something!" I quickly spin on my heel and walk away, preventing him from objecting. I make sure that I've left his field of view as I leave the crowded room. Making my way past officials from all over, most of them speaking foreign languages their voices overlapping. Shaking off my embarrassment, I shuffle past a group of people before making it to the restroom.

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