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I'm so consumed by my thoughts that I don't even notice Tracer sprinting towards me.

The speedster collided with me sending me onto my bottom.

"Oh blimey! I'm sorry love!" She grabs me by my arm pulling me up from the ground. Her eyebrows are knitted together in worry.

"We we're looking for you, where'd you go?"

I pale, I just had a date on company time.

"Christ, I'm sorry Ms. Oxton. Here," I dig into my pocket for my phone.

"(Y/N), wait a minute please," I've rarely seen Tracer like this. I take a breath and relax myself. She notices me calm down and puts a gloved hand on my shoulder.

"You okay, love? Need me to take you to Angela?" She has my best interest at heart and I can't help but smile at her. I shake my head. She's still concerned, but doesn't push.

"Alright, love, but we really do want to have a talk with you,"

"We?" I blurt out, not realizing there was a search for me. Tracer nods.

"Winston, Morrison, and Reyes. They wanted to talk with you, but they couldn't find you anywhere, they asked if I knew 'n I said no and it was weird. You've always been easy to find down 'ere, are you sure you're okay, (Y/N)?"

"I promise I'm fine Lena, can you please take me to see the commanders?" I'd rather avoid talking about anything involving what just happened with McCree. She nods slowly, waiting for me to change my mind. I smile, motioning for her to take the lead. Her smile is wary as she walks me to a conference room.

"Ah! Ms. (L/N) glad we could find you! Please take a seat," Commander Reyes gestures to the seat a crossed from them. Tracer nods gently before zipping out of the room. I walk to the adjacent chair, and gently sit down.

I'm going to be fired aren't I? Shit. I can't lose this job, I love this job! And I can not go back into customer service.

"Don't look so anxious, (Y/N). You're not in trouble," Morrison offers a gentle smile, as Winston continues for him.

"Actually it's quite the opposite! We have an offer for you, like a promotion!" The ape beams at me through his glasses and I can't tell if I should be excited or anxious.

"Yes, well, Ms. (L/N) as you know this organization was founded to assist during the omnicrisis, and we were heroes. Now that the omnicrisis is over we are having some," Morrison pauses trying to choose his next words before Commander Reyes interrupts.

"We're asking you to publicly represent Overwatch, kid. I know it's not what you signed up for but we're military people, not PR people."

"Well, you'll be something of a diplomat, actually, since we aren't with any one government, we need to keep good relations with them. I'm fully prepared to assist you with whatever you need," Winston interjects. "But I completely understand if you'd like to decline."

I'm shocked, I was just an errand runner. A delivery girl. My mouth opens and closes quickly. I can't think of a single reason why they'd ask me to be their diplomat.

"W- what? I mean thank you, but why me? I don't have any political, debate, or public representative experience, and I'm sure you have plenty of resources to find someone who is overly qualified, just. Why me?" I can't help but ask. It doesn't make much sense to me.

"When we asked our field agents who they'd trust to represent their best interests, most of them said you," Winston said.

"We wanted the agents to feel comfortable with who represented them," Jack started.

"And since our current PR is shit, we don't have the money to find a new hire," Reyes continues, his language earning a scowl from Morrison.

"So if you need time to think it over, or if you'd rather not take the job, we completely understand," Winston finishes. They look to me for some sort of reply.

"Would I have to move? Or stop coming here? I don't want to take the job if I have to leave all this behind." I can't help my honesty, I know the job will require traveling, but if this isn't the place that I can call home, then I don't want it.

"Of course not (Y/N), we can accommodate you here, so you never have to call another place home, if that's what you want. You'll always be able to have a field agent accompany you as well, as long as they haven't been assigned any missions when you're supposed to be traveling," Morrison explains.

I lean forward in my chair nodding, "Yes, I'll do what I can to best represent Overwatch and it's values."

The three smile and Morrison slides a small file folder towards me.

"These are our social media platforms, a list of things that you might've heard here that are confidential and you are not to speak of in any conferences, meetings, or speeches, and a general guideline of how to represent yourself and our organization," Morrison explains as I open the file and skim through it.

"You'll do great, Ms. (L/N). Thank you for taking our offer," Winston reaches across the table to shake my hand. I grin as I wrap my hand around one of his large fingers and give it a shake.

"I won't let you down," I stand excitedly. "I promise."

"Good, now in the folder is your new schedule as well as some upcoming conferences and speeches. They won't be for another month or so, so you don't have to worry too much as long as you prepare accordingly, there's a description of what topics you'll be speaking on and remember to breathe," Morrison tells me shaking my hand as well.

Reyes simply walks around the table and gives me a brief hug, "Welcome to the big league kid, you'll do great."

The conference room empties leaving me staring at the folder.

I'm going to need more professional type clothing.

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